Part 1. Journey trough the desert

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When our new recruit arrived, I think none expected this. Our new arrival looked, let's say..., good, even Rarusu didn't complain about his having-more-teammates-could-screw-things-up-decease (Ashley's joke!). I think even Timmeh dropped his favourite mug. Ocean blue hair, eyes like emeralds, and definitely not too fat or too thin. I heard Terra say. Yep. I said back with a smile on my face, and the team's pinned. Finally someone who reacts normal when seeing me. Dawn said when she saw I didn't even flinch a bit. Yup! I'll stay single till my hunter career ends, and indeed, that won't happen 'till I'm dead and buried. I catchphrased. Quickflame landed on my shoulder, not realising he's getting a bit too heavy, and Screeches woke Rarusu up from his daydream by screeching loudly in his ear, this also triggered Jack, Angelwing and Ashley appear, which were preparing a gift or something, I didn't really know what that was because they said it was a surprise for everyone. You must be Dawn? Said Jack. Nice to meet you! Wait, THE CRYSTAL-STABILISER! IT'S ---- a loud explosion was to be heard from Jack's lab. Going to... explode. Jack stumbled. Well, there goes the surprise for all of you. What was it then? Asked Dawn in such way I could see Angelwing and Ashley visibly got irritated. It was a stable version of an energy crystal... so close... science could have learned so much of this, but I, the stupid Jaggi, forgot to turn off the stabiliser, so it overloaded, now it's gone. Said Jack sadly. I bet it would've been awesome! I said.

After everyone introduced themselves, I saw on my right that Ashley wasn't very happy with the arrival. Dawn walked to me and asked: did I do anything wrong? Nah, I just think Ashley's jealous. I answered. I'M NOT JEALOUS! Ashley screamed. Yes you are! Rarusu and I said at the same moment. I can read it off your face! I added. I didn't know you looked at it so much. She sarcastically answered. Oh please, Ashley, you know I'm not interested in anyone. I said back. Jack broke through the conversation. Guys, the Caravaneer could be here any moment. Jack announced. Hey, I didn't know that! Said Timmeh. Why didn't you inform me he would come? Ehm, I may have forgotten to tell you guys...? Jack said unsure about his own words. As always! Rarusu said. You should be happy that my brother announced it at all! Ashley defended her brother. And they started fighting again. Does it always go like this? Dawn asked. Yup, this is how it goes every time again. I answered. The Caravaneer arrived and all of us greeted him like an old friend, except Dawn of course, she introduced herself. After a while the Caravaneer decided to buy us all a drink at the Val Habor local bar. Of course we agreed.

It was already midnight, when Ashley was already a bit drunk and the Caravaneer was totally drunk and was telling about all his "adventures". I saw Rarusu was not happy with all of this stuff happening. Nor was Jack. Dawn didn't drink anything at all and was kind of waiting for us to tell her we're leaving. Angelwing watched the whole happening from a table, shaking her head in a way to let see she was disappointed in us. Ashley fell asleep in Rarusu's arms because she drank too much. I could see he didn't know what to do. This all seemed like mostly peaceful night. But that was just a thought. 12 eyes watched us closely from the darkness of the night. I saw them when I walked to the terrace and looked up to the sky. Or anyway, I think I did. I decided to not bother the rest with it and considered it as something I saw because I might have drank too much and set the glass away like seeing those eyes was its fault. I walked back in and thought it had been enough for now. We all went home and Rarusu had to carry his enemy home. Pretty sure Angelwing commanded him to not let her fall and carry her home.

The next morning I woke up with a headache like a Gore Magala chomped on my head, which was correct, Quickflame was apparently chewing on my forehead to wake me up, but that wasn't the reason I had a headache, probably of the drinks yesterday evening. I said to none. Quickflame was now head-butting my left arm to make clear he wanted food. Yes, yes, I'm going to get you your food, Quickflame, be more patient, ok? I said to him sleepy. After giving Quickflame his personalised food Jack made for him, I quickly dressed myself and walked to the main room. Only Jack and Rarusu were up and sat on their regular places around the table. Hey, you didn't trip over the step today either! I joked. Yes, I don't know why, but I seem to get to understand that there's a step over there. Jack joked back. After a while Ashley showed up and it was visible the glasses of yesterday's eve' showed their effects. You've got a headache, isn't it? Rarusu sarcastically said. Yea, yea, please not so loud. Said the normally offending Rarusu Ashley. Rarusu lifted an eyebrow in surprise of Ashley not giving backfire. No serious, you think you can still hunt? I asked with my "serious voice" as Ashley would call it. Of course! She said, with that, hiding her pain. She walked her way to her regular place, but instead of reaching it, she bumped into the chair next to hers and fell on the ground. We held in our laughter to not offend her. I think it's not a good idea to let you hunt. Rarusu said. Quickly after that, Angelwing walked in and saw Ashley having a headache. That's what you get! She said to Ashley. I know, I know. Ashley answered. I won't drink again. Then Dawn walked in. Hey! She said. How are you all? Ashley grabbed her head in pain. Not so loud, please, I'm having a headache! Ashley said in pain. Oops, sorry. Excused Dawn. Now, since everyone's here, shouldn't we start breakfast? Jack suggested. Yep, but since it is Ashley's turn today to serve the food, but she clearly won't even make it to the kitchen, who will serve the food? Rarusu asked. You! We all said making Ashley putting her hands over her ears. Me?! But why? I already carried her home because she fell asleep of all the drinks! Rarusu said. Go do it already! Dawn said. Ok then. Said Rarusu. He still mumbled something like "why always me" on his way to the kitchen.

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