Part 3.

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We settled ourselves in a hotel. And of course I paid, again. We made some raw sketches for a plan and the day was over pretty fast. After that I went to my room. The room was pretty big and had a comfortable bed. But something made me feel I was still not in the right place.... I walked outside of the hotel to walk around. The sunset was beautiful. I noticed the massive volcano had a dark cloud surrounding the top. So it's here huh? I said to none. Who am I even talking to? I asked myself out loud. Maybe to me? Dawn answered. She apparently was outside before I was. Oh, I didn't see you. I apologised. Nice sunset, isn't it? She asked. Yea, but have you seen the dark cloud around the volcano? Yes, I think this "black mystery" is going to give is a lot of problems.... I agree with that. I said. Maybe we should try to understand it. She suggested. My job is to hunt. Not to understand. I answered her. To defeat an enemy you first need to know them. She quoted wisely. Nice quote, where did you get it from? From my mother, to be honest. She answered. Ah. I said and looked at the black cloud once more. Isn't it weird the Black mystery always has the black clouds around him? I mean it has no reason to hide himself in the cloud since it's strong enough to not get killed anyway. Dawn asked. I think it's careful. Perhaps it's planning a strategy, or it might be healing or charging itself. Or those clouds surround him without the Black Mystery even trying to. It's not weird for clouds to be attracted by a big object. I explained. Huh.... Dawn said to acknowledge she paid attention. we remained silent for a moment. I decided to break the silence. I'm going to bed. I said and I did what I said. I went back inside. I heard Dawn saying sleep well, but I didn't react. I went to my room and dropped myself on the soft hotel bed, where I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up. I automatically turned to the right, but I hit my feet on the wall. the hotel bed was attached to the opposite side of the room compared with the bed in the Hunta House and the caravan. I grunted and rolled myself to the other side. I got out and realised I was still dressed, so I switched to a new pair of clothes. I washed my face. That was the moment I realised it was very quiet. only some regular sounds of desert bugs and other desert fauna. I opened the door. There was none. there too it was uncomfortably silent, almost frightening. I got out of my room entirely and walked down the hall to the stairs. It was still silent. I walked all the way to the dining too, where i was jump scared by the entire team with most of them screaming SUPRIIIIISE. I jumped back in surprise only to land on my back. Whoa! you scared the hell out of me back there! I said as I stood up from my uncomfortable position with my back on the ground, standing up. what I saw after I stood up was perhaps the best filled table I ever seen in my entire life. there were all sorts and kinds of food, like there wasn't a party for only me and my team, but all hunters in the entire world. Without too much words we sat at the table and enjoyed the delicious meal. When I asked who was going to pay all this the owner told me it was all on him. He said he still "had to repay me" but I couldn't figure out for what he wanted to repay me. Perhaps I once did a quest for him or something, It didn't seem important, so I continued talking with others, and stopping that casually to eat. After what felt like a whole day, but was 3 hours, we were all done eating and Jack suggested to go on a expedition, but none really felt like it. I also disagreed with Jack, to instead make today a calm and nice day. I was surprised by my own actions there, actually. Normally I would take on any challenge, but i suddenly didn't feel like at all, I actually felt like doing nothing all day, Was it laziness? Nah... I'm never lazy! Well... oh whatever! Not important! I stood up from my chair, and walked to to the counter where I got myself a glass of water and washed down all the food I had been eating in the past 3 hours. 

*NOTE FROM THE WRITER:* ok you know what? I'm not gonna re-do everything. I'm just gonna write properly from now on.

The entire day was turned into a nice party, and by the evening, I was tired.. but of what? I have done nothing specially that costs that much energy. maybe there was something in my drink? I could not think of anyone that could wish to do something like that. The more I began thinking the deeper my thoughts became, And soon as I found myself thinking about things such as 'perhaps the world is flat' I punished myself for being so stupid, and realise it's evening and I've been talking, eating, drinking, and laughing the entire day, which would most definitely would make me tired by now. I went for a little stroll as it was the end of the day and the sun was about to set, it was a nice view and the weather was nice, and the climate not as dry as in the last village, luckily, also not as warm, again, luckily, I'm not a big fan of heat, no, I absolutely hate hot climates. my walking soon turned into jogging, and later on running. I was running around the houses of the village, running for exercise, I ran until I was exhausted and made a rough stop, kicking up some sand and dust, and walked the last bit back to the hotel. 

The next morning I woke up with a massive headache, which didn't surprise me, I had token quite a few drinks the night before, Don't ask. I'm not going to tell what all happened, what happens in a hotel's bar stays in a hotel's bar.

I'm Incredibly sorry, but this is where it ends. I will re write everything of HotD, mainly because I was not satisfied with the storyline. don't worry this book will not be deleted, mainly for reference, but I will start all over again here 

thanks for reading this book.

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