Part 2: Meeting with the Dark

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I heard some sounds at the place I saw the table with my friends a few seconds ago. Eterna? You ok? I heard Jack say. Yes, I'm fine, how about you guys? I asked back. Could've been better! I can't see a single thing! Was Ashley's reaction. What could possibly cause this? Jack asked himself out loud, scientifically correct. Hum... I don't thrust it.... said Rarusu. Far away I heard the sounds of people in confusion in the village. I'll make some fire! Angelwing said. Thank you! I reacted. After some seconds I heard the sound of burning wood. I can hear it, but... I can't see it. I said. I can't see it either! I heard Ashley panicking. Calm down, It can't be very bad, any conclusions, Jack? I asked. Yep, I can conclude one thing. We either are all blind, or either we are all surrounded by something like fog, so thick, you can't see light from even 1 meter. But I don't think the last thing is very normal, but the first thing sounds impossible. He concluded. I can tell one thing. I said. It's that we're in some big trouble. Yea, no shit Sherlock! I heard Angelwing say. Wait, let me try my flare. I said. At least you can try. Jack said. I took my flare from my belt and loaded it with a white coloured, long flight duration- shell, and pointed it upwards. I counted. 3, 2, 1. And I pulled the trigger, the flare worked, and I saw a bit of my surrounding. The rest walked to me and I was happy to see their faces, and to see something at all. I counted my shells and saw I only had 4 shells left. Well, that worked. Jack said. Yup! I simply said. I looked up to the flying white small sun of mine and spotted 8 red glowing eyes. TAKE COVEEEER!!!! I screamed in time, everyone jumped away. But I was paralyzed by the shock, and was drilled into the ground by this creature. When the creature had probably stopped his attack, I could see the white flare floating in the air. I also saw all the wagons were thrown away or destroyed for a part or both. I could only think of one thing: where the hell is Dawn, I didn't see her sitting around the table. I shook my head to think about something else. You all ok? I shouted. Yea! I heard Jack say. We grouped up under the flare again to wait for you and Dawn! Dawn isn't there either? I asked while walking towards the flare. No? Is she not there either? I heard him answer. Negative! We should search for her as soon as we can see something! I answered. Affirmative, commander! Ashley joked. Not funny. I said.

After a while, we could see like you normally would during night. We didn't get attacked anymore and the flare didn't give any more light. We should search now, I think it's safe! I said. Affirmative! Ashley joked again. Stop it please! I said. We search for a while but didn't find anything, but suddenly Jack screamed something. GUYS, COME LOOK AT THIS!!! He shouted. We ran to him to look what he found. What have you found there? I asked. It's a letter. He said. To, eh... to you, Eterna. To me? From who? I asked. Well, who are we searching for, smartass? Jack answered me. I found it in the ruins of her wagon, there you go. He handed me the letter and I read it out loud. Dear Eterna. I read. When you read this, it means I am probably in big trouble, I have heard the volcano holds a secret room, and got a secret message from my father from one of the other passengers, which told me to go alone, I now probably are there. Don't try to find me or try to search for the secret room, and don't go to the volcano. I will come back. See you soon, Dawn. Everyone stared at the paper. Why? Ashley stumbled. Why would she just walk away and try to go to her father in a dungeon of creepy monsters all alone? I'm not going to wait, we must-! No, we must do as she said, we might get her into deeper trouble. Rarusu interrupted me. There is no time to wait! Don't you understand there could be a third wave any second?! I said irritated. I'm going alone if you guys don't want to go! You are losing you mind out of anger, Eterna! Stop it and think about the consequences! Rarusu tried to change my mind. No, I am not losing a member of my team ever again! I shouted and walked to the village. Wait what, HEY! Come back! What do you mean!? He still asked me, but I ignored him and kept walking.

When I arrived the first thing I did is to pick up my armour and my brand new Insective Glaive, the Névé Rod, and fed the Kinsect the best Kinsect Nectar I had in stock, put the stuff I needed in my pouch and I was done. I walked to the first bar I came across and walked up to the bar. I'm looking for someone that can guide me to every single place of the volcano, someone that knows every rock on that big old boulder, and I am prepared to pay well for that. I said the old, scruffy-looking barkeeper. You think I don't know anyone like that? He said with a scratchy voice. I expected you would, Hank. I answered him. Hum? Who ya know my name, stranger? He asked surprised. I know more 'bout this village then you'd expect, but, am I getting an answer yet? I asked impatient. Yes, yes, you should look for Jeff, he's an official guy from the Guild, but, he gave it up and went hiking that volcano over the last years, and I'll help you, he's right behind ya. He said. I turned around and saw a small man sitting around a table with a pickaxe. The evil doesn't die so easily, does it? I said with a fade smile on my face. Welcome back, "commander". He said with an understanding, grim smile.

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