Chapter 2

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Lucy wasn't given time to question END’s statement before her head was jerking back, body tensing as his tail pushed deeply into her ass. He smirked at her gasping cries as END used his tail to fuck her, movements brutal and strong. “You're mine,” END hummed against her cheek, tongue flicking out to tease her ear. “Mine to please. Mine to punish for forgetting your place. This is what you get for underestimating a demon, my sweet Lucy.”

END nuzzled into her hair as he felt her moan vibrate against his palm, cool buckle of her collar digging into his hand. The thick scent of her lust hung in the room again, Lucy's hips jumping up to meet his tail’s thrusts into her. She called his name, voice lewd and wanton when END nipped at the creamy skin of her upper arm, another mark added to her collection. Her wetness was spreading along the apex of her legs and coating END’s tail, making the movements into her backside deeper and smoother.

“Is this what you imagined me doing to Natsu, Lucy?” END questioned, eyes pulling from her salacious expression to look at Natsu. He was watching END’s tail sink into Lucy with rapt desire, mouth hanging open partially as he panted heavily. “Dominating him completely until he’s a whimpering mess?” He held Natsu’s excited gaze, emerald desperate and wild with craving. He felt her nod with his hand, her cracked ‘yes’ pulling a large grin from END. Others would be too lost in the sensations END was making her feel to ever hope of responding, but not their Lucy.

“Do you still want to help me?” END murmured against the top of her breast, voice low enough so that Natsu couldn't hear them despite his heightened hearing. His teeth sank deeply into the underside of one of the large globes when she mewled and squeezed her legs around his waist as her confirmation, knowing she wouldn't be able to answer quietly enough to not alert Natsu. She sobbed at his rough treatment, even as his tongue lapped at the few drops of blood soothingly.

END released the hold he had on her wrists and pulled back so he was sitting upright, dragging Lucy along by his hold on her throat. He continued the pumping of his tail inside her ass, the new angle allowing him even deeper inside her. Lucy released another loud wail, head limp to be guided by END and her nails digging into his shoulders. END relished in the sharp pain, smirking darkly and pushing his thumb deeper into the side of her neck. His length twitched at her raspy inhale, hot desire igniting his blood and sending a rush of power to the tips of his scales. She was so beautiful like this, surrendering to his every desire.

With a lewd noise he pulled his tail completely from her, the appendage dancing in the air behind him as he could no longer contain his glee. Oh the things he had planned...

His thoughts were distracted when he felt Lucy press her lips against his smile, END quickly kissing her fiercely. He cupped the sides of her face with both hands, tongue delving into her mouth and tasting the sweet hotness. He chuckled against her when she nipped at his lower lip, taking over the kiss as her arms wrapped firmly around his neck  and shoulders. Slowly he twisted them so that Lucy sat on his lap and her back faced towards the edge of the bed. END dropped his hand and groped one of her ass cheeks, Lucy squeaking and giggling against his mouth in response.

She pulled back and rested her forehead on END’s, Lucy’s eyes mischievous while she reached between them and grasped his cock. He made a low noise of approval, Lucy continuing to stroke his length and play with the precum leaking from his head. END leaned back on his forearms, watching with hooded eyes as Lucy straddled his hips, other hand resting on his abs. His muscles flexed under her soft touch, Lucy’s nails leaving red marks where they dug into his tan skin left uncovered by his scales.

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