Chapter 1

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1 Week Later

What was the point of having birthday balls? Every year you have another and it just feels like an excuse to thrust in someone else’s face that you have the money to have this huge party in your amazing ballroom, with delicious treats and tons and tons of eligible bachelors. In my opinion, they were just excuses for people to get free food and wine. On top of that, you wouldn’t believe how many of the girls who came were complete sluts, despite their ‘ladies in waiting’ status.

Of course, when their parents were watching, they were prim, proper, had good manners, and were respectful, mature and modest. But when the parents turned around, they drank way too much, got high on their own stupidity, pulled down the neckline of their ‘modest’ dresses, and slept with any STD infested man that offered them sex. Their excuses were sleepovers. The cliché ‘I’m at her house, she’s at mine’ type thing.

Both my stepsisters’ were whores, yet in my stepmother’s eyes, they were perfect. She always expected that they would find good husbands and for them to settle down to be wives. She always wanted me to be like the prim and proper side of them she knew. She thought I was strange and unworthy, not only because I was a tomboy, but because she resented the fact that her second husband (my father) gave me his fortune after passing away nearly 5 years ago.

Tonight was my elder stepsister’s birthday ball, as well as the fight I had been dreading. My stepmother had ordered a dress for me so that the public would think she was s generous for gifting such a ‘gorgeous’ dress to someone who’s not even related to her. Personally, I think she bought the dress to torture me. It was so tight I could barely breathe, and flared out at the waistline, making me stagger under the weight of it all. The stiletto shoes she bought to go with the dress made it hard to walk. On top of it all, the dress was a bright pink, with frills, lace and bows. Sadly I couldn’t complain without seeming stuck-up because I couldn’t accept a gift just because it wasn’t to my liking.

I could have fought back if the public didn’t know about the gift but she had already bragged to the other lady’s about the dress, so everyone expected me to wear it. At least the fight tonight that I was going to do would make up for the terrible night ahead of me. I had my fighting gear underneath my dress, hidden away under the many layers of monstrosity. All around me was a crew of maids. Three were working on my makeup, and five on my hair. My hair was being pulled in every direction, puffed up and sprayed.

Just as they were finishing, a knock sounded on the door and I took it as my cue to present myself in front of my chosen date. I tried to walk gracefully to the door. I tripped a few times, cursing mentally all the way. The date my stepmother had chosen for me was standing in front of the door, hand outstretched for me to grab.  I ignored it, earning a glare from my stepmother. I sighed and grabbed his hand. When I looked up to see which ugly, stuck up ‘lord’ she had chosen for me tonight, I froze. Standing before me was none other than Lord Saxon.

This is explains the reason for the hideous dress. My stepmother most likely bought it with the intention of having Lord Saxon see an example of what he doesn’t want before sending him my stepsisters’ way. He would be a prime example of the ‘perfect man’ for her daughters, minus the fact that in real life, he’s a cocky player with too much money, and the fact that he doubles as a the leader of an illegal fight rink. My stepmother could turn a blind eye to his man-whore ways, and conveniently, his second identity was a total secret unless we wanted to admit that we watch illegal fighting or even fight in our spare time.

Another thing; no one was willing to compromise his true identity in case he could come after us. In this room I was the only one who knew about Fox. As tonight were the finals, I would have to be extra cautious when sneaking out. I wouldn’t want to have my identity compromised right before the match.

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