Chapter 4

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I turned around slowly, bringing my hands up in case I would need to defend myself from a hit.

“Lord Saxon, I’m so…” but I stopped talking when I laid eyes on the male in front of me. Brown hair, hazel eyes, creamy skin; the image of sexy perfection stood right in front of me. He was wearing black trousers and a loosely tucked in white shirt. The top of the shirt was unbuttoned, and his chest was slightly visible. I gulped slowly and lifted my head to meet the strangers piercing gaze and found that his eyes were filled with amusement.

“I didn’t know Saxy brought beautiful ladies into his private quarters. Are you one of his whores?” he asked. I blinked. Saxy? That was a first. I didn’t think anyone would be able to call him that without being hit. Then his question registered in my brain.

“Do I look like a whore? Honestly you can’t just barge in and make assumptions. Besides, who do you even think you are, coming into Lord Saxon’s private quarters yourself?” I snapped, in one angry huff.

He looked at me and smirked. “Feisty, aren’t you? Well, I guess Saxy would prefer a girl with a little backbone.” He walked forward, confidence being radiated out of every step. When he stood before me, he leaned forward, looking cocky and whispered in my ear.

“You do look like a whore,” he said.

“Asshole!” I spat. He winced at me yelling in his ear. Despite the situation, my heart was thudding at our proximity. When brought his hands up and gently caressed my hips I was very surprised and I pulled back quickly, forgetting that the only thing behind me was the tub. I flailed my arms wildly as I fell into the depth of the water. The tub was huge so I luckily didn’t hit my head on the bottom, but my feet and legs were still out of the tub so I was stuck. I felt a hand grab my chest and pull me up and onto the floor. When I stood back up, I coughed out the water that I swallowed. Looking around, I saw water all over the floor, slowly creeping over the tiles and carrying dust into the carpet out the door. When I had stopped coughing, he spoke in his cocky tone.

 “My, my, clumsy are we?”

“You, you,” I spluttered, before walking forward and pulling his shirt down.

“You want to know something?”

He nodded. “What could a girl tell me that would be interesting?” he asked, his sarcasm and sexism making it known. I pursued my lips before opening my mouth.

“I am Lady Cinderella, and I am a very important person to Lord Saxon, so I suggest you leave me be.”

His eyes widened mockingly.

“A hot rich girl; no wonder Saxy’s invited you home; he wants your fortune! Don’t read too much into his little secret being trusted to you, he probably only wants to…”

He made a disgusting gesture. My eyes widened in disgust and shock at his crudity.

“Unless of course you’re his secret girlfriend or something,” He said, sarcasm leaking into his tone.

 “Yes, she is. And it won’t be a secret much longer seeing as she agreed to be my fiancée.”

His looked shocked for a second before rearranging his features. The real Lord Saxon stood behind the gorgeous stranger. They were surprisingly similar in terms of features, yet Lord Saxon was taller and a little more built. My brow furrowed. Could it be…?

“Saxy!” the man cried and lunged forward for a hug. “Congratulations, you’re finally settling down!” It was apparent that he was mocking the supposed ‘us’. He was really pissing me off. I wouldn’t have normally cared because personally I thought it unbelievable to being Lord Saxon’s fiancée, even with it being a fake relationship, but he was such a prick that it was hard not to be angry.

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