Chapter 2

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Here's when the story really gets started! Happy reading :)

The night was gorgeous and the stars were shining above my head as the wind tugged a few strands out of my bun. When I got there, I dismounted my horse, and handed him to one of the servants to put in the stable. I opened the doors and when I walked in I was greeted with the usual cheer. I walked towards the center of the arena, and saw Fox waiting for me, his face blank. The smell of popcorn was in the air, and the smell of beer as well. The spectators were all on their feet now.

“Cinder! Cinder! Cinder!” the crowd roared

I smiled and wave. Fox looked angry. For once, he wasn’t the crowd favourite.

“Silence!” he roared.

“Aw, is someone upset that they prefer a girl over the almighty Fox?” I taunted.

“Aren’t you supposed to be asleep at this time of night?” He sneered.

“Aren’t you supposed to be out with some prostitute at this time of night?” I shot back, unfazed by his comment.

“Don’t call yourself a prostitute, it’s not nice.” He said, implying that I was one of the dirty tramps that he bedded every night.

“It’s not like I would get anything out of sleeping with you.”

“My dick is not small!” he shouted angrily.

“I didn’t say that.” I said amusedly. “But it seems like someone is a little self-doubting.”

He growled, and lunged at me. I stepped to the side, and he missed, hitting the air. He tried again, but this time he feinted going left, when he really went right. He hit me right in the stomach. I doubled over, catching my breath. When he came back for another hit, I rammed my knee in between his legs. He fell onto his knees.

“Ouch, that looked painful.” I teased.

He grunted, and got up. This time, he slapped me, leaving me face stinging. When his arm snaked around my neck, my instincts kicked in. I elbowed him in the gut, and pushed him to the floor. I sat on his stomach, as I repeatedly punched his nose, until I heard a crack. His nose had broken. I had an advantage, being on top, but I still hadn’t knocked him out. He was struggling too hard for me to get a clear shot. He finally pushed up his hips and rolled me over, now getting the upper hand. He leaned in and bit my neck. My breath hitched. Was he trying to seduce me? Not going to happen! I pulled his face down, and jabbed his neck hard. He grunted again. I pushed him off me, and got to my feet. He did too. Now the fight really started.

We traded blows, and my adrenaline kicked in. I hit harder than I ever did before. I kicked repeatedly to his crotch. He blocked most of my hits, but I occasionally got one in. I was lethal. The problem was he was lethal too. My arm was hurting from how much I had to block him. He finally got a good enough hit to knock me to the ground. I landed on my back, keeping my head up to prevent damage to my brain. I felt my arm dislocate from my shoulder when I hit the floor. I had a bruised eye, and I was sore all over. I had never been so hurt in my life. Fox bent down, so he was right on top of me. I felt the terror consuming me, and my body was paralyzed from both that, and the shock that I lost. I closed my eyes and instinctively prepared for the worst. All fight had gone out of me as I felt the pain kick in, and the adrenaline fade.

“I guess you should’ve stuck to kitchen duty after all.” He whispered in my ear, before wrapping his hand around my neck, preventing the air from getting to my lungs, and knocking me out.

Fox’s POV

“Bring her to my office.” I said coldly to the medic. He had already cleaned out both of our cuts to prevent infection. Her arm was put back into her shoulder, and she had some ice put on her eye to prevent swelling. I was still amazed from the fight. I had never been hurt so bad in any fight ever! In the end, at least I had won and managed to hide my pain from the spectators, to show strength. As I walked into my office, the medic brought in Cinder. As I recalled the fight, I realized her voice reminded me of someone. As I tried to think back to where I had heard that voice, there was a clunk on my desk. The medic dropped my winnings on it, along with a smaller bag for Cinder.

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