How you met

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Harry : You met in your first year at Hogwarts. You both got sorted into Griffindor, you sat in front of Harry and wouldn't stop talking to him, no matter what. You had many classes together, thats how you stayed in contact. You both grew up fast, Harry started to feel more, more than just a felt just the same, but never told him, because you thought he likes Hermione.

Ron : You met at the beginning of your fourth year, in the train to Hogwarts. You went to the witch academy "Beauxbatons", then your parents finally allowed you to go to Hogwarts - the school you always wanted to go. (Your parents are really strict, that's why you were allowed to go to a school where only girls were first.) You were sitting in the train, alone, until Ron, Harry and Hermione joined you. You catched Ron's eye directly, even in Hogwarts, he wanted to spend every free second with you, since you got sorted into Hufflepuff. You started to feel the same, slowly.

Draco : Draco's and your parents have been friends for years, but you weren't really in contact with him. You hated him and he hated you, thats what you thought...its weird, you kinda liked him, too... In your third year, you started having a crush on him, but your friends always told you to get him out of your head. You are a pureblood and in Ravenclaw, but still...Dracos friends had so much pleasure bullying you. Until he stood up to that, one day...because he eventually had realized, that he really likes you.

Young Sirius : You met in year five (he's year six) but you know him since your first year, he and the other marauders were pretty known at Hogwarts. You always found that Sirius is pretty handsome, but you were scared to talk to him, because many students had a problem with your blood status. You're a muggle born. You wouldn't want Sirius to hate you, except were pretty self conscious.

Young Tom : You know that he exists since year one, but you didn't really saw him that often, even if you were both in slytherin. Many people scared the curly brown haired orphan and his friends. You never understood why. But you finally met in year four in advanced potions class. Professor Slughorn made you two work together, Tom didn't like that. He ignored you. He wasn't talking much - but you did. He wasn't really interested in what you were saying. He just didn't care and told you to shut up. He told himself that he wouldn't like you, because you're halfblood. But after some time, he couldn't help but like you. A lot. But he never wanted to show you that he had feelings for you, until year six, where he just couldn't hide it anymore.

Writer: Hey guys. I hope you like my...uhh...writing style? Lol. Ok I don't know what to say bye

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