Chapter 5: Madison.

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I woke with a groan. Another dead end dream. The same as always. We speak, he runs, I chase, he screams, we speak, I run, he screams. The same dream as always. Nothing new, nothing special, nothing worth dreaming about. Except his face of course. I loved dreaming of his face, his voice, his company.

I threw my blankets off and stood up quickly. My vision was hazy for a few seconds and I had to balance myself. I looked in the mirror and my eyes landed on the stiches on my head. I can’t believe she hit me with a science book. What a bitch. I was defiantly not taking the bus today. I’d just have to walk, which means I have to leave now.

I got dressed, brushed my teeth, made some breakfast and made my way out the door. I was still munching on my cherry pop tart when I saw him across the street, turning a corner.

My spark of interest hit me again. He had admitted yesterday that he used a fake name and he knew about my dreams. He had answers he just wouldn’t share them. If he wouldn’t tell me then I’d just have to find out on my own.

I threw the rest of my breakfast in the trash can and ran after him, trying to keep my feet quiet. School was in the opposite direction so that’s obviously not where he was headed.

I went around the corner and saw him at the other end of the street standing in front of a house. What was he doing? Unlocking the door, maybe? Yes, that must be it. Because just then the door flung open and he walked in slamming it shut behind him.

I rushed down the street and, after checking to make sure I was alone, pulled at the door handle. It didn’t budge.

“Damn,” I muttered under my breath.

I bent low, staying out of sight of the windows, and made my way along the side of the house. A back door is what I needed and a back door is what I found. I jiggled the nob and it opened easily. I smiled and slid in. I found myself in a long hall with two doors on each side and a winding stairs case in the middle.

I heard footsteps from upstairs and decided that was a good place to start.  I slipped off my noisy sneakers and made my way up the steps in my socks. When I reached the top of the stairs I slipped into the closets room. It was a bedroom, filled with black and white. The bed frame looked ancient and there was a mirror that I swear could have belonged to my great grandmother it was so old. I kept the door a crack and watched as the footsteps got louder.

He came around the corner, beautiful and perfect.

“Mother!” He called and began to head straight for the room I waited in. I looked around in panic. Mother? There was no one in here. None the less he thought there was so here he came. I sprung to my feet and jumped in the closet. Like before, keeping the door a crack so I could see.

He walked in the room and went straight to the mirror. I couldn’t blame him. If I had a face like that I’m sure I’d spend a fair amount of time looking at myself too. But then he did something strange. He tapped on the mirror and look at it confused. Like he was trying to see something.

“Mother?” He repeated, more anxious this time. Did he think his mother was in the mirror? As if answering my question he sighed and shook the mirror “Mom, come out! I know you’re in there.” And then he mumbled more quietly “Where else would you be?”

Was this boy crazy? Talking to a mirror? And if he was,…did I really care? Such a silly thing to ask myself, of course I didn’t care. I’d love him if he were crazy or ugly or even a murdered, like everyone thought he was.

“I’m serious, mom.” He said and a woman appeared in the mirror. I jumped backwards, clapping a hand over my mouth. Maybe I was the one going crazy.

“What was that that you just said to me?” She demanded.

“You mean ‘I’m serious mom.’ ?” He asked scratching his head.

“Before that.” She folded her arms.

“ ‘I know you’re in there.’ ?” He tried again.

She shook her head “After that.”

He smiled an apologetic smile that made my heart break in two “Umm,” he thought for a moment “ ‘I love you, mommy.’ ?”

She smiled and you could see the family resemblance “Um-hum. That’s what I thought. So what is it?”

“I needed to talk to you, about Madison.” He said, serious now.

My breath caught in my throat and for a moment I couldn’t breathe. Me? They were talking about me?

His mother leaned forward “What about the girl?”

“Well, I’m going to see her today at school,” He explained “what if she asks more questions?”

“Don’t answer them.” His mother said simply “The less she knows the better.”

He laughed “Like that’s going to be easy. You haven’t seen this girl. She’s got those eyes that you just can’t say no to.”

His mother shook her head “No, son. She’s got those eyes that you just can’t say no to.” She laughed “I swear, the way you talk about her you’d think if she asked you you’d get her the moon.”

He smiled “I’d try my best.”                                                                  

I blushed and felt myself begin to breathe again.

“You see?” She asked “If all you say of her is true then she can’t know about your father’s prophecy. She can’t know what kind of danger she’s in. You mustn’t let her find out that her end might be coming soon.”

I gasped and stumbled backwards on the balls of my feet, crashing into things in the closet.

My end? Coming soon? What the hell? I didn’t have time to think about that now though.

“What was that?” He demanded “Who’s there?” He asked stepping towards the closet “Come out or I’m coming in.”

There was no use fighting it. No way out of it. I opened the door and stood for him and his mother to see.

His eyes popped as he asked “Madison?”

His mother’s mouth dropped open “That’s her? Sneaky little thing aren’t you?”


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