Chapter 11

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"Ah ha! Cell phones are a violation." Perry shrieked when she took out Leo's cell phone out of his backpack.

"I think you sticking your hand into my back pack is also a violation." Leo replied sarcastically.

Perry pointed the phone towards him and said "Planning on texting your girlfriend in class, were ya?"

"I don't have a girlfriend." Leo responded frowning.

"Yeah well, now you don't have a cell phone either. Buh-bye."

When Leo came back I just stood there as they talked about something I didn't really pay attention to. For some reason I feel like something big is going to happen to me but I can't shake off the feeling that it might kill me in some way.

As they continued to talk I walked away from them while still in thought.

Thankfully no one noticed I left, that would have been weird.

Suddenly a flower from the potted plant from sience class floated by but it didn't have a stem.

I just stared at the floating flower until I realized that it wasn't just any flower, it was a golden poppy.

I started to back away from the floating flower until it just dissolved and I exhaled in relief until I felt something tickle my nose.

I sneezed and breathed in a huge amount of air before I felt my eyes turn yellow and I blacked out.


"Mia, Leo, watch out!" I heard someone yell and the next thing I knew I saw Leo besides me and an AC generator falling down on us. Bree ran as quickly as she could but she wasn't fast enough so by instinct I dropped Leo and I on the floor and used my telekinesis to keep the AC from crushing us.

It kept falling towards us but stopped eventually right above my nose.

Adam and Chase just saw me use my powers, what am I going to tell them?

I'm so screwed.

My arms started to tremble and my head ached from all the weight when suddenly it was pushed away and I saw a glimps of Adam holding it for a second.

They all rushed over to is and I heard Leo giggling while saying "I'm walking towards the light! It's so peaceful."

When Bree ran up to me she asked rush "are you ok? All day you've been blacking out"

Chas nelt down next to me and helped me up as we all stared at Leo.

Chase looked back to me and asked "are you alright"

I looked away from him before mumbling "yeah, I'm fine"

I walked away from them and helped Leo up.

Glancing at Adam I saw him mouth 'talk later' before walking back to his siblings.

"What did you do to my school?!" I heard Perry yell making us all jump.

"We're okay. Thanks for asking."

"Well it's not our fault. The air conditioner fell from the hole in the ceiling."

"Well if it crashed from that hole up there then what's it doing sitting unbroken over here?" Principal Perry asked us all but all I wanted to do was lie down for a moment.

"Well it's not because I caught it and put it there. Saved it."

"You did this! You sabotaged my vents." Perry accused us and Adam, Bree, and Chase began to get defensive.

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