We live in a world, a decade, in which one should think that sexism no longer matters, discrimination and emancipation of women happened lang ago. Right, that's exactly what you should think: because the other part of the gender,allegedly overlaid, the so much better part let us believe that.And it's been like that at least since the 2000s, apparently there's no more struggle of woman since 80s' women's movement, the equality seemed so close, so there. However, these
traits of injustice sneaked in again and the open, not even hidden, sexism without any shame to present that, came back.And at the latest with the success of Germanys Next Top Model,there were suddenly so many more girls who felt no more beautiful and became anorexic.Why are they so intimidated? For whom? It is sad to see that sexism has brought us so far that men told us over decades what is right and what is wrong. But especially in a time like this, the time of the #Me too campaign and the LGBTQ+ Community, that should not be the case.The reason why it is even worse to see how women are still pushed into a certain social position, have a specific role to play. Therefore, it is time to change and realize that the women's movement will most likely never end. And to show society that women can be just as strong and able to work.