11- 8 years ago

307 15 3

"I'll take the tuna sushi, please."

"Hai, here you go. Have a lovely day, young lady."

Angela smiled "Thank you!"

She grabbed the box of sushi, and left the restaurant on her bike. The box wasn't for her; she didn't have much interest in seafood. It actually for her girlfriend, Doctor Moira O'Deorian. She couldn't help but smile at he thought of that.

Today, Moira decided to work overtime, so Angela decided to surprise her with her favorite snack. Her brow furled into a look of concern as she thought about it further. Moira had been staying extra hours at the Blackwatch base a lot recently.

Angela shook her head.

They must be planning a mission or something. Nothing out of the ordinary really.

Once at the base, Angela parked her bike and headed for the entrance. The doors opened after she imputed the security codes and she stepped inside. A cold blast of air conditioning tingled down her body.

"Oh, Angela!" A voice spoke up as she walked through the room.

She looked over to see Genji walking towards her. He wore a black jacket and sweat pants over his mechanical figure.

"Genji!" She exclaimed with joy. She hadn't been able to catch up with him much since he was dispatched to the Blackwatch unit. "How is your body holding up, Liebling?"

"Well, my body is fine. It's still quite difficult adjusting to it, though," he chuckled half-heartedly.

Angela frowned "I'm so sorry, I don't really have anything to help that. Well, actually, I do have-" she paused as she took a small item from her purse. "Some swiss chocolate! It definitely calms the mind."

Genji's eyes glowed warmly. " Domo arigatou gozeimasu!"

"Bitte," Angela grinned " I'm sorry we haven't been able to talk much."

"It's alright," He began chewing on the chocolate. "Maybe we could meet over lunch sometime?"

"Ja, that would be great!" Angela nodded, but her attention went back to Moira. "Oh, also, is Reyes planning a mission or something soon?"

Genji looked at her, slightly perplexed. "No, not really. He has been discussing of a possible mission, but nothing so soon."

"Oh..." her smile melted into a look of concern.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just... Moira has been working overtime most days, and I don't understand why. She's so tired when she comes home that I don't want to bother her about it."

Genji nodded " Hai, I've noticed that, too. She hasn't been acting like her normal uptight self. She's been snapping at everyone, so I've tried to avoid talking to her lately."

"I don't know what's with her..." Angela's worries began to build. "Well, I brought her a snack today. Maybe I'll be able to get something out of her."

Genji nodded and took a few paces towards the doctor.

"I'll be honest, Angela. I don't think it's a good idea to be around her. Even as her coworker I can't say I fully trust her. Especially in the state she's in now. "

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