Chapter 1

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Well hello there my lovely readers! Here we go, jumping into the next part! I promise I won't dissapoint! And believe it or not, this one actually gets even more emotional. I already wrote a lot and cried really, really hard. But besides that I would just like to say thank you to all of you that got me over 1,300 reads! That's insane! I have another story in the works about Jai, it will be completely different, those connecting stories bother me, lol. But okay, here we go! xx



"ALEXANDRA ROSE BROOKS. DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING DO THIS." The line went dead. "No! Alex no!" I tried to keep calling, but it kept going straight to voicemail. I felt sick. I couldn't breathe. She can't do this.


Still Luke's POV:

You can't just sit here in shock. Do something. I picked up my phone again and dialed 000. "What's your emergency?" "My wife is saying she's going to kill herself and i'm not with her. I have no clue where she is, but I need someone to find her and stop her." "What is her name, sir?" "Alandra Rose Brooks, well she might still be Ball. We're newly-weds." "Okay I just looked up her where-a-bouts and it says she's been staying with a Leslie Wilson in the apartment building on Jefferson St. Room 2A." "Thank you!" I hund up and dialed Jai as I ran out of the house and hopped into my car. "Jai be outside now!" "Wh-" "NO QUESTIONS, NOW." I pulled up and Jai hopped in. Before he even asked I spilled out the whole story while going well over 20kph over the speed limit. He looked at me with disbelief. "Why? Why would she?" "She says it's best for me." "It's not!" "Exactly! Okay, here we are. Let's go!"

We ran into the building and figured the stairs would be faster since it was the second floor. 2A. I pounded on the door. No answer. Jai joined me and we pounded as hard as we could until we heard someone clear their throat behind us. We stopped and turned to see a middle-aged woman. "What exactly are you trying to do to my door?" "You're Leslie! We need to get inside now! I'm Luke, Al called me saying she was going to end it all." She didn't even reply before she was jamming her key into the lock. She swung the door open and me and Jai sprinted in. We searched the apartment and I knew she had been found when I heard Jai's scream. I ran to where he stood in the bathroom doorway.

She lay on the floor. She was unconcious. I was hoping it was just that. Her wrists were slit and blood covered her arms, but that couldn't have killed her. It was the in noticed a bottle of pain medication on the counter. It was empty. No. She couldn't have. "ALEX! ALEX WAKE UP!" Nothing. I knelt down next to her and discovered she wasn't breathing. "Check her pulse!" Jai yelled at me. I did what I was told and held my finger to her neck. I felt a beat. No, my mind is playing tricks on me. There it is again. "JAI SHE HAS A PULSE! CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW. WE CAN SAVE HER."

I watched as the ambulance pulled away. Alex was in too much of a critical state for me to be able to ride with her, but they had hope that she would survive. Leslie, Jai, and I followed in my car. Jai had his face in his hands sobbing, Leslie was quietly crying to herself, but I forced myself to be stronger. I had to be for Al.

I sat in the waiting room while Alex was being worked on. I should probably call Beau. "Hey baby brodaaa, what's up?" "Uh, Beau. Grab the boys, Mom, and Jess and come to the hospital please." "What happened? Jai isn't answering his phone, Luke please tell me my baby brother is okay!" I could tell he was crying already. "Jai is okay, it's Al." "My god, what happened!?" He continued crying. "I'll explain when everyone gets here."

I stared at everyone's worried faces. I had to tell them. I sat down in a chair across from them and stared at the floor, but began talking. "Al called me today. I was so happy, she sounded okay. But then she told me that she was only physically okay.. Not mentally." "What does that mean?" Jessika asked. "Uhm, that she was depressed. She wanted to kill herself." My mom let out a loud sob. "But, she didn't succeed and luckily we were there in time to save her. She has some pretty deep cuts on her wrist, and she had taken a bottle of pain killers so they're just patching her up and pumping it out of her system." Everyone was crying. "You sound so sure that she'll be okay." Daniel muttered. "I am sure. She's strong." They all just nodded and tried to change the subject.

We sat in the waiting room for hours, just waiting. Beau had tweeted that Al was in the hospital earlier and I was now reading through all the #StayStrongMrsBrooks tweets since it was trending worldwide. Our fans are amazing. They knew how to cheer me and I actually felt happy.

"Are you Mr. Brooks?" I looked up and saw a doctor. "Uh, yes. Are you Alexandra's doctor?" "Yes, come with me so we can talk." I stood up and followed him down the hall to where no one was. "Luke, I have some bad news." I felt like I had been punched. "Uhm, what is it?" He spoke the words, but it was all a daze. He didn't just really say what I think he did. I couldn't think. I couldn't do anything but scream. I'm sure everyone heard that.


It's so short, but it's a start.

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