Chapter 2

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The first chapter is there, it's just not showing! ): but you can find it in the table of contents! okay chapter 2.


I kept screaming. I couldn't stop. "Luke! Luke what happened!?" Jai was yelling at me as he tried to hug me. I couldn't even get the words out.

Beau's POV:

I watched as Luke lay crumpled in Jai's arms, just sobbing and screaming. I had never seen him so upset, it killed me. I pulled the doctor aside. "Can you just tell me why he is being like this?" "Alex is in a medically induced coma. She has a 20%, at the most, chance of waking up again." I couldn't believe this. "Can I see her?" "Not yet, i'm sorry. Wait a couple days." I nodded, and walked down the hall to tell everyone else. They all looked upset, but no one cried. We had to be strong. Luke needs to be strong. He now sat in the corner of the room crying into Jai's shoulder. I walked over to them and pushed him off of his twin.

"Luke, get the fuck up. Your wife is in there pretty much dying and you're sitting here crying! Be stronger than that for gods sake. She needs you to be." He nodded and stood up, wiping his eyes. "You're right, thanks." and with that he joined the rest of the family and started talking to Skip about the next Janoskians video.

**3 days later** Luke's POV:

"You can go see her now, one by one." The doctor said walking into the waiting room. We all stood up and walked to her room. "Jess, you first." She smiled and walked in. Daniel followed, then James, Jai, Beau, and then mom. They each stayed in for about 10 minutes or so. When it was my turn I walked in slowly.

There she lay, almost lifeless. It broke my heart to see her like that, but I had to keep my head up. I pulled up a chair and sat down next to her. I didn't know what to say to her. It had to be something meaningful. "Hi Al." That was just awesome. "Uh, I know you can't hear me.. but I just need to tell you how much I miss you. I wish you wouldn't have done this, you really hurt all of us. But, it's okay because you're still here. It'll all be okay now. Just know that I love you." 

I turned to watch spongebob on the tv when I heard something I thought I never would. "Luke?" "AL! YOU'RE AWAKE!" "yes, now stop yelling." she giggled, half asleep. "Stay awake! I'll go get a doctor!"

**1 Week later**

"Well, she made a miraculous recovery, she can go home now." the doctor told my mom as she signed Al out of the hospital. I smiled and wrapped my arms around Alex's waist. She has been kinda distant, but I'm just glad she's feeling better. The doctor told me that she not allowed out of my sight, so i'll make sure she gets back to be 100%.

The car ride was quiet, just the hum of to music on low, but I couldn't take my smile off my face. "You look like an idiot," James laughed. I just flipped him off and pulled Alex closer to me. I had missed this.

My mom dropped us off at our house and I carried Alex inside. We went straight to bed, exhausted from everything going on.

**One month later** I'm sorry i'm skipping so much time, but it'll help the story move faster.

Alex's POV:

I've been home for a month. One month of Luke being so sweet and helpful. I had missed him so much. But no matter how much he called me beautiful, or sang to me, I still was faking my smile. I just couldn't be happy. I didn't want to run away again, but I wanted to get away from Luke for a little. I had to tell him, he would understand.

"Hey Lukey?" "Yes?" "Uhm, i'm thinking about staying with Daniel for a little." He looked at me, confused. "Why Daniel?" "Well, we are a lot closer now. And I just want to get away from here for a bit. Just til everything dies down. I just feel so awkward staying here knowing that I hurt you so mu-" "No." "No? I'm not asking for your approval, i'm telling you." "Alex, no. I can't let you stay with him." "Fuck you. I'm going." I stormed out of the room and ran up to our bedroom. I threw some clothes in a bag and walked back down the hall and out the door.

I had gotten halfway down the street when Luke grabbed my arm. "Come back." "Luke, get the fuck off of me." I shook my arms away and bolted.

"Skip! I'm here!" I said walking inside Daniel's apartment. I threw my bag on the ground up jumped onto the couch. "How'd he take it?" Daniel asked walking into the living room. "Not well at all, we got into a fight. He just will never understand how I feel." Skip nodded and sat down next to me. "Well, you're welcome to stay here as long as you need to."

Luke's POV:

I watched her just run off to one of my best friend's house. That's fucking hard to witness. I know we didn't break up or anything, but it felt as though we did. I need to just go somewhere and take my mind off of things.

I walked to the nearest bar and went inside. I sat at the counter and ordered a beer. Then another. Then another. "Drinking away your sorrows?" I turned to see a pretty girl probably around 18 cleaning the tables. "Pretty much." She stopped cleaning and sat down next to me. "Spill it." I told her the whole story. From Alex arriving in Melbourne to her just now running to Skip's. As I finished she had a look of pure shock. "You got yourself into a real fucked up girl there." "I guess so." I laughed. This girl was sweet. "Well, if you ever want to talk again call me." and she handed me a piece of paper. As she was walking away I pulled out my phone and dialed the number. I watched her answer the phone. "Hello?" "How about that talk, at my place for dinner?" She turned and smiled. "Sure." I hung up and walked over to her. "Let me just go clock out." "Okay."

Dinner. Just a normal dinner, that sounds nice. But, what are these feelings? Do I have a.. crush?

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