Chapter 4

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You guys are amazing. You gave me over 2,200 reads on escape and all ready over 100 on Just Stay! I love you all!!


Luke's POV:

After Lo and I had cleaned up we decided to just sit in the living room and talk. "So you pretty much know my life story, tell me yours." She laughed, "Uh, well.. I do have a story, I guess. But I've never really talked about it with anyone." I took her hand and looked at her seriously. "Loren, I know we just met a couple hours ago, but I feel like I've known you my whole life. As cliche as it sounds. It's bad to hold it in, just tell me." She nodded and took a deep breath, closing her eyes.

"My dad left us when I was little, about 3 or 4. It was always just me, Dani, and my mom. We were so happy. My mom had an amazing job and made really good money, so we traveled a lot. It was really amazing. But then my mom met a guy, his name was Dave and they got married. He was amazing, for the first couple years. Then his mom passed and he turned to drinking. Drinking a lot. one time when i was 14 my mom went on a business trip for a week so it was just me, dani, and Dave. Dani was spending the night at a friends one night, so I was alone with Dave. Of course he got wasted, but this time he was acting different. He came into my room at 3 in the morning and he... He raped me luke. It was horrible. I finally told my mom a month after she got home, but in the process of suing him, getting a divorce, and all of that.. We lost all our money and my mom had lost her job. By the time it was all over and done I was 17. I got the job at the bar to help a little and a year later here I am."

I sat there in shock just staring at her. "I never should've told you! You probably hate me for ruining my family's life!" she started sobbing and I finally came back to earth. "Loren are you insane!? That douche bag ruined your life! It's not your fault." I pulled her into a hug and held her there. "You're staying with me tonight, okay? The boys and I are filming tomorrow and you can tag along." She looked at me and smiled. "Thank you so much Luke." "Anytime. Go to my room and go inside the bottom drawer of the dresser. I have sweats in there you can wear. Then sleep in my bed, I'll sleep here." She through her arms around my neck. "You are the sweetest Luke Brooks!"

Alex's POV:

I woke up, my head throbbing. Hangover, fun. "Daniel!" I yelled from the couch. "What?" I got up and walked to the kitchen where I heard his voice, and found him making coffee. Well, trying. "You too?" "Mhm, all of us do. We're gonna cancel filming today." Thank god. I walked over and pushed him aside., cleaning up the mess he made and making a pot of coffee. I poured us each a cup and sat down at the table.

"Skip, can I ask you something?" he sat down across from me, "Sure, anything." "What advice would you give to someone who's in a relationship, but is falling for someone else?" "I would say that if you really loved the first person, you would've never fallen for the second. Meaning, go with the second person. Why, who's asking?" "Oh, just my friend Jane." I lied. Maybe skip was right. If I really loved Luke like I said I do, why wold I even look at any boy with any sort of feelings? Ugh, I hate relationships.

"How about we invite the boys over and have a movie day?" I suggest. "Yeah, you call James because they're all over there, I'll call Luke." I nodded and pulled out my phone. James, Jai and Beau eagerly agreed. Daniel walked back into the room looking a little sad. "Let me guess, he said no." He nodded, "I'm sorry Al, he said he's with a friend right night. Some Loren girl." I just forced a smile and replied with, "Well, we can have fun without him!"

The boys soon arrived and we instantly put in Transformers since it was my favorite movie and I had first pick. I rested my head in Daniel's lap and speard my feet across Beau. Who needed Luke. I have other friends. Who you know, are his brothers and best friends. Not awkward at all...

Just Stay (Sequel to Escape)Where stories live. Discover now