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A few days have passed since the incident where Jimin blurted out Yoongi's secret at the dinner table.

The boys have both ignored each other's presence during that time.

Although for the both of them there's been a burning feeling inside them that they've both been forced to fight against.

The urge to talk to eachother.

Jimin's had it worse. The guilt gnawing away at his insides, leaving him with nothing with regret for his actions towards Yoongi. He was only trying to help him but Jimin just had to be so selfish and so fucked up that he pushed that help away along with the only good friendship he had formed.

These past few days have been havoc, to put it short.

Eating has been the most difficult time for both of the boys. Dr Kim being forced to feed the stubborn pair to prevent death from knocking on their doors.

Despite holding a grudge against Jimin, Yoongi couldn't help but feel a part of his heart break when he'd hear the cries from him. Dr Kim being towering above Jimin, shoveling spoonfuls of food into his mouth while Dr Jung held him down.

The tears streaming down Jimin's cheeks were enough to break Yoongi; making him fall straight back into bad habits and not eating.

He doesn't want to admit it, but he misses Jimin.

Right now the pair of them are sitting on their own beds, heads down low to the ground as silence ripples through the room.

Jimin looks up at Yoongi, his guilt once again clawing at his insides. He can't even look at the elder boy without his eyes glossing over with tears.

He can't help but notice the state Yoongi's been in since it happened.

The dark bags framing his eyes, his far too pale skin, his hair that's beginning to thin and the dramatic decline in his weight.

All of which Jimin knows is down to him.

Yoongi was getting better when Jimin arrived. He actually ate, he laughed, he joked around and was able to have fun. As soon as Jimin arrived things went down hill. It makes Jimin wonder if he caused it. Maybe there's something about his presence that drags others into this dark abyss that they can't escape. 

Without even realising, a loud sob seeps through his lips and penetrates the air.

Yoongi's head instantly whips to the boy's direction. Jimin hugs his knees to his chest as he attempts to silently sob into his knees but no matter how much he tries to mute the sound, Yoongi still hears.

"Jimin?" Yoongi asks with worry in his tone.

Jimin shakes his head and continues to cry.

"Oh Jimin, what's wrong?" Yoongi asks as he begins making his way towards Jimin's bed.

He takes a seat beside Jimin and wraps an arm around his shoulder.

Jimin shakes it off and looks up at Yoongi with puffy red eyes. "Leave me alone, I don't deserve your care after what I did to you."

Yoongi feels his heart drop. Does Jimin really feel this way?

Sure, Yoongi was broken from the words that left Jimin's lips that day. That's no lie. It's evident in his change in actions but how can he blame Jimin?

Jimin's just a broken teenager with an eating disorder which caused him to lash out on Yoongi since he was telling him to eat which just so happens to be his worst fear.

"Shhh." Yoongi places a finger against Jimin's plump lips and hushes him. "You deserve all the care in the world, Chim. I don't hate you if that's what you think. I understand why you said that and I forgive you. Just please allow me to help you."

Jimin slowly nods his head against Yoongi's chest. Yoongi gives him a smile and twiddles with the soft strands of his hair between his fingers.

"I won't stop until you're better, Jimin. I promise that." Yoongi whispers into his ear as Jimin slowly drifts off into deep slumber.


Jimin steps into the shower feeling the cold water against his body. Goosebumps scaling his body as he bites his lip to suppress a gasp.

It's been a while since he's had a warm shower. Cold showers help with weight loss hence why he's ditched warm shower for ice cold ones.

He catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror at the side and frowns. His ribs are piercing through his skin at an alarming rate, his collarbones are basically ripping through the skin and his arms and legs are like sticks.

Although he is dramatically skinny, he can't help but feel fat. When he looks in the mirror he doesn't see what others see. He sees a figure covered from head to toe in fat.

A tear falls down his cheek mixing with the cold water from the shower.

After washing himself, he turns the shower off and wraps a towel around his body, lips chattering and body shivering from the cold temperature of the water.

After drying his body and throwing on a baggy hoodie and sweatpants, he opens the door and heads to his and Yoongi's room.

As soon as Yoongi sees the shivering boy his features soften. "Chim, are you cold?" He asks.

Jimin hesitantly shakes his head, no and takes a seat on his bed. He doesn't want Yoongi to know that he took an ice cold shower on purpose, he'd question his sanity.

"I know you are and I know what you did but I'm not going to say anything." He mutters and pats the spot beside him on the bed. "Come here."

Jimin plays with the sleeve of his hoodie as he makes his way towards Yoongi.

Yoongi gently pulls Jimin onto his bed so his head is resting on the pillow beside Yoongi while his back faces him. Yoongi's hand wraps firmly around Jimin's small frame as he gets pulled towards the elder's warmth.

"Warmer?" Yoongi asks.

Jimin nods his head and allows his eyes to close. Today he's been really tired. He doesn't know why but it's more than likely down to the fact that he hasn't consumed enough calories for the past few days.

Yoongi chuckles, a deep chuckle that dances through the air and plays music into Jimin's ear. "Tired again?"

Jimin nods and snuggles closer to Yoongi as he allows sleep to engulf him.

While Jimin's sleeping peacefully, Yoongi leans down and leaves a soft peck onto his forehead.

"Sleep tight, my angel."

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