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"Jimin can you hear me?"


My eyes flutter open slowly, head pounding still slightly. Yoongi's face is directly above me, expressions becoming less tense when he notices that I'm fine.

"He isn't dead then?" Taehyung's voice comes from the side of the room causing me to look at him.

I chuckle slightly and shake my head. "Nope. Sadly..."

"Hey!" Yoongi slaps my arm with force and glares at me. "Not sadly! I'm over the damn moon! I was literally gonna get Dr Kim if you had woken up a minute later. I'm glad you're fine."

I tense up at the sound of Dr Kim's name. If he would have found out then I know full well I'd be force fed once again. I'm already traumatised from that experience, I can't go through that again.

Yoongi notices my tenseness and turns to Taehyung with a smile. "You can go now, Tae. He's fine."

Taehyung makes a exit, waving to us and wishing us good night.

As soon as the door clicks shut, Yoongi turns to me. His expressions swapping for much more serious ones.

"You haven't been eating have you?" He asks as he brings a glass of water up to my lips.

I gulp the drink in silence before nodding my head. "I have. You've seen me. I was even force fed." I shiver as both the memories of being force fed and the memories of what happened after flood back to me.

Yoongi sighs and takes the glass from me, placing it on the table beside his bed as he pulls me down so I lay beside him, head resting upon his chest. "Don't lie. Just tell me the truth." He whispers, exhaustion in his tone.

I shake my head against his chest and bury myself deeper. "You'll tell Dr Kim."

Yoongi sighs at my words. "So if I don't tell him, you'll tell me?" I nod at that and focus on the soothing sound of his soft heart beats fluttering against his chest. "Okay, I promise I won't tell him. Just tell me the truth - the full truth no barriers in place."

I silence myself for a minute before slowly nodding my head.

I don't know if this is a bad idea telling him the truth but it can't be much worse than Dr Kim knowing.

"I didn't eat." I state, listening to Yoongi's irritated hum for me to continue. "I-I..." I pause slightly and take a deep breath.

Yoongi grasps my hand, giving it a tight squeeze providing me some level of comfort to continue. "I threw it up after Dr Kim force fed me."

Silence dawns upon the room once again, atmosphere tensing up. I want to look up to Yoongi and see his reaction but I'm scared. No doubt he'll be disappointed and more than likely feel guilt.

"That's my fault..." His frail voice whispers. "If I wasn't so fucked up and didn't tell you about my fucked up habits you wouldn't even know about purging!" His voice switches to a voice full of anger.

I finch slightly as I feel his anger radiating off of him. Guilt invading my body. "No." I simply say and give his hand a tighter squeeze. "It's not your fault. I would have found another way to get it out of my system anyway. You didn't do anything."

I look up at him and my expressions soften at the tears that coat his eyes.

I wrap my arms around him tightly and fiddle with his soft, black hair. "I won't do it again. I promise. I'll try and get better this time. With your help I can do anything." My voice cracks slightly as I instantly regret those words, knowing full well that I won't be able to get any better.

Yoongi wipes away his singular tear and gives me a soft smile. "Really? If i help you, you'll try?" I nod at his words and return his smile.

"But under one condition." I smirk slightly, earning a confused look from Yoongi. "You have to try too. No more purging for you and no more starving or purging for me." He hesitantly nods his head and pulls me closer to his warm body.

"Okay, I promise. We'll get better together." He whispers before reaching over and turning off the small bedside lamp that was illuminating the room. "Goodnight, Jimin."

"Goodnight, Yoongi."


"Good morning, sunshine!" Yoongi chimes as soon as my eyes open.

I chuckle slightly at his unusual mood for this time of the morning. "You're overly happy, it's scaring me."

Yoongi giggles and pulls me in for a hug, further scaring me. "I'm happy because today marks the beginning of our journey to recovery!" He shakes me widely and gives me a huge smile. "I'm so happy I could kiss you!"

He pauses straight after spilling those words, regret prominent in his eyes. "I... didn't mean to say that, I'm sorry..."

I laugh lowly and pinch his cheek. "It's fine, I wouldn't mind if you did." I whisper. The blush on Yoongi's cheeks turns a much darker tone as he looks down. "Awww," I coo. "Did I embarrass you?" He nods his head slightly before shaking his body and grasping my hand, dragging me out of his bed.

It's only just dawned upon me that it's been days since I actually slept in my own bed. I'm not complaining. Yoongi is good company and he does give the best cuddles in the world, but it's just strange to me; out of character for me and apparently Yoongi too.

As we reach the kitchen Yoongi and I take a seat, smiles engraved on our faces.

Dr Kim chuckles and hands us both a plate of toast. "You're both strangely happy for breakfast."

"Oh," Yoongi smiles and takes a bite of his toast. "We know..."

Dr Kim tilts his head before brushing it off and serving breakfast to the remaining boys. "I'm not even gonna ask."

I chuckle at how confused Dr Kim is before taking a bite out of the toast. As much as I hate the taste and the fact that it's loaded with calories, I still consume it.

I can't break my promise.

I'm going to try with all my strength to get better.

I'm not going to break this promise this time.

That I know for sure.

I'm going to get better.

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