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A/N- Well damn, this actually hit 100 reads. I didn't even think this shit would get 1 read let alone 100. Well thank you for reading this! I hate to sound cheesy but I love y'all and want you to know that you can all message me for anything💜. Like I'm here for y'all. Or if you just want a friend bc like fjjdjdj I'm lonely too so hmu lmao. Oof this is getting too long, I'll shut my boring ass up now ((((:

Warning: Graphic depictions of self harm


Yoongi has always been the type of person who deals with his emotions in a bad way; more often than not, he blames himself and takes his emotions out on himself. It's unhealthy but it's been this way for a while now. It's even the reason he fell down the hole of being bullimic.

Whenever things don't go how he likes, he blames himself.

This explains the current situation he's in right now.

The blood running down his wrist as his warm tears stain his cheeks. A mixture of emotions in his body as he tries to work out the feelings he's been feeling for Jimin.

But this isn't the situation he wants to be in. But because of the event earlier, he's here in a deep abyss of darkness and once again taking it out on himself - this time more extreme than ever.


"Jimin, eat!" Dr Jung screams as he grabs Jimin's fork and attempts to shove the food into his mouth.

Jimin's cries for help echo through the hospital, bouncing off the walls and reaching everyone's ears.

Yoongi begins making his way out of his and Jimin's room and down the stairs, following the trail of the penetrating screams and cries.

He slowly opens the crack of the door, light peeking through and a hole big enough for him to peer through.

His hand instantly slaps over his mouth upon the sight.

His best friend.

So frail and damaged while Dr Jung force feeds him, ignoring Jimin's pleads to stop.

Dr Jung is very unlike his son, Hoseok. Hoseok is a bright, positive and loving person while Dr Jung is a evil person with no remorse.

Yoongi slowly drags himself away from the door, his back arched over and his head down to the floor. Tears begin making their way to his eyes.

He's never cared this much about a singular person in his life. Not even his family.

His heart even aches at the sound of his friend's cries.

It's not until now that Yoongi realises that he may or may not be developing feelings for the younger.

End of flashback

Unable to handle the guilt, the feelings, the sadness, Yoongi grabs a razor from the cabinet in the bathroom, ripping it open desperately to get the small yet lethal blade from inside.

He's never done this before and he definitely didn't imagine himself doing it but here he is. He remembers Hoseok a while ago when he got moved to the more severe unit because he began self harming. Hoseok told him that it made him feel better, got rid of any mental pain.

Yoongi wants that, he wants to erase any trace of mental pain.

With his salty tears escaping his eyes, he shakily grasps hold of the blade and holds it against his pale blank wrist. The tip ghosts against his skin before he applies slightly more pressure and drags it across.

A hiss if pain leaves the boy's lips at the pain but it feels right.

It's almost wrongly right.

He watches as the blood seeps out of the now open skin. Droplets of blood splatter against the floor creating a puddle of his own mistakes beneath him; but no matter how much he realises he shouldn't, he creates yet another deep gash against his skin.

The same feeling of pain makes him bite his lip. This time he brings his arm up to the sink, running the cold tap to help with both the pain and the bleeding. The blood is like a tap, running out at an alarming pace but Yoongi doesn't seem at all phased.

After about 7 minutes of him standing beneath the cold tap, he notices the flow has halted and the pain has gone down slightly.

He slides the black hoodie he had came in with over his head, wipes the floor of any evidence and throws the blades underneath the sink.


Yoongi lays on his bed, eyes staring up at the blank ceiling as his regret washes over him. He didn't break his promise like Jimin did, he ate and he made sure he ate every single scrape on his plate, but who's the real loser here? Who's the one that ended up harming their own skin because of their overwhelming feelings?

The door slowly cracks open and Jimin appears as sniffles leave his nose. Yoongi keeps his eyes to the ceiling, knowing full well that if he sees the sight of the boy he'll break.

Jimin's soft footsteps make their way towards Yoongi. He pauses Infront of the elder's bed and begins timidly playing with his fingers, stray tears still falling with no particular direction.

"Y-Yoongi..." Jimin hiccups.


"C-Can we cuddle?"

Yoongi shifts over without hesitation, allowing room for the saddened younger.

As soon as Jimin gets in the bed with Yoongi, he feels Yoongi's arms being wrapped around his body and he feels his breath fanning his ear as he leans closely. "You must trust me."

"I do," Jimin whispers as he relaxes into Yoongi's hold. "I do alot. And I don't know what it is about you but you really seen to give me this weird feeling. A feeling of comfort and adoration. And even right now, you're making my happiness peak by just your hold. It's magical but I don't get it."

Yoongi smiles at the words and pulls Jimin closer, both their faces being parallel. "I think I like you, Jimin." He whispers with a saddened smile.

Jimin stares intensely into Yoongi's eyes while he remains silent just taking in the beauty before him. He sees the slight twinkle of hurt in his friend's eyes and he sees the eternal frown upon his lips; but for some reason, the feeling of love is still prominent.

"I think I do too..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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