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"So Jimin, how are you feeling now that you're here?" Doctor Kim asks him as he opens the door to the mental hospital.

Jimin remains silent and just follows behind Doctor Kim.

It's different to how Jimin had initially imagined. He'd imagined it to be like a prison, dull walls and everything to look like so dark. Contrary to his thoughts, the walls are a bright shade of white, there's no huge gates keeping everyone in, instead there's neat rooms for everyone. It seems like a home.

"Are you okay with sharing a room?" Dr Kim asks as he pauses outside of a door. Jimin hesitantly nods his head.

He would usually say no, but then he thought about this being the only shot he has at making a friend made him change his mind.

Dr Kim smiles and pushes open the door exposing a brightly coloured bedroom. A boy that looks slightly older than Jimin sits on a bed, his skinny legs crossed over each other as he reads a book.

"Ah, Yoongi." Dr Kim smiles at the other male. Jimin stands awkwardly in the door way. "You have a new roommate!" He chimes.

Jimin gives the boy a shy smile and slowly makes his way further into the room. "H-Hi I'm Jimin."

Yoongi's pov:

"H-Hi I'm Jimin." The boy stutters.

My eyes widen at his appearance. Sure, he's a cute boy but never have I seen someone so skinny. Living in a place surrounded by people with eating disorders, you'd guess that I've seen people of that size before- but no. Jimin has his cheekbones basically popping out of his cheeks, his ribcage visible through his thin T-shirt. His arms covered in bruises, clearly too thin to take even the slightest damage.

"Hey I'm Yoongi, nice to meet you." I slowly mumble, eyes remaining fixed on his prominent ribcage.

Jimin notices this and tugs his shirt further away from his body causing it to be more baggy and his ribs to be less visible.

"I'll leave you guys to get to know each other then." Dr Kim smiles before leaving, gently closing the door behind him.

Jimin makes his way over to the spare bed and takes a seat.

I place my book down and turn my body to his direction. "Anorexia?" I ask.

His eyes widen at my question, anyone would think I'd told him I'd murdered someone. I sigh. "Come on, spill. It's not like you're the only one here who's fucked up. We all are." I wait for an answer.

He bows his head down and nods his head. "Yeah, anorexia."

I nod my head and take a sip of water from the glass beside me. "I'm in here for bulimia." I state. Judging by the confused look on Jimin's face, he isn't too familiar with what bulimia actually is. "I basically make myself throw up." I explain.

Jimin looks shocked. "Why would you do that?" He asks.

Slightly offended by his question, I avert my eyes away from him. "Same reason you stave, to lose weight."

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