Chapter 9: Long Story Short

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At the moment, we're in Levi's really nice car, going God knows where, doing God knows what. I'd like to say that not knowing where I was going with a guy I had met just a couple days ago bugged me, but weirdly enough, I didn't mind. It's hard to explain, but something about Levi drew me closer and closer, it was like he was my own personal magnet. I mean for God's sake, we slept together last night! Not that I regretted it, I mean it was amazing. But now that we were officially 'Complicated', I wanted to take things slow, and I think Levi might've felt the same way.


Eren felt a vibration in his pocket and pulled out his phone to see another text from Mikasa.
Man, seeing her at school tomorrow is gonna be exhausting.
Eren huffed and began to type out a text explaining where he was, but stopped.
How am I supposed to explain that I was with Levi all night and am now driving...I don't even know where he's driving to!
Eren simply texted I'm fine, working on my project still. Pulled an all nighter before slipping his phone back into his pocket.

"Who was that?" Eren rolled his eyes just thinking about how, even though he had said he pulled an all nighter, she was still gonna talk to him about sex with Levi.

"Just Mikasa freaking out about me not being at school right now." Levi let out a low chuckle, then placed a hand on top of Eren's.

"I bet if you told her you could barely walk this morning she'd understand." Eren turned a light shade of pink and elbowed Levi, who was laughing at his own joke. After that conversation seemed to flow easily. They had avoided the topic of parents, because Levi had picked up on him not wanting to talk about it as much as he himself hadn't wanted to. Before the two of them had realized it, they were pulling into the parking lot of a movie theatre.

"Ooh, a movie? What are we seeing?" Eren turned his body towards Levi, looking like an excited little kid. The sight made Levi laugh, before touching his finger to his lips.

"It's a secret." Levi smiled, and Eren's eyes lit up at the sight. He shrugged, accepting his secrecy, before the two hopped out of the car, heading inside the building, their fingers intertwined.

The two of them walked up to the front counter and looked at the girl at the register. Eren started to get nervous, he was never great around New people. He didn't want to make eye contact. Thankfully, Levi seemed to pick up on how nervous Eren was, and gave his hand a light squeeze before approaching the front counter.

"Two tickets to 'The Searching' please." The woman nodded and took the money Levi held out in front of her.

"Have a nice time! And if you don't mind my saying so, you two are adorable together." The woman winked and handed Levi the tickets. He could practically feel Eren's face heat up. He gave his hand another squeeze before heading into the theatre.

"Hear that Love? I'm not the only one who thinks you're cute." Eren blushed and rolled his eyes, looking down at his feet as they walked through the hallway.

"Hey, she said we were cute. If you're gonna hit on me then at least-" Levi shut Eren up with a quick kiss and rolled his eyes, the both of them taking their seats.

The movie went great for the both of them, Levi trying to make moves on Eren the entire time. Eren swore if he had asked him to name one character, he couldn't do it.

I wasn't paying attention whatsoever.
He wasn't paying attention whatsoever.

The two walked out of the theatre, Eren going on and on about the plot twists and the plot, and how he didn't see any of it coming. Levi nodded his head in agreement, the occasional "yep" and "mhm" slipping in. They waved goodbye to the woman at the counter before walking out of the building hand in hand.

"I hope you don't think this was the only thing on the agenda today." Eren looked back at Levi with a surprised look, a hint of exhilaration in his eyes. Levi smiled and pulled him into the car, starting it, and driving away.

"Can I know where we're going now?" Eren pleaded. Levi chuckled and shook his head, earning a whine from the brunette. The two rode in a comfortable silence, neither of them having the heart to break it. When they finally arrived at a park, Eren gasped and almost hit his head on the window.

"I love parks!" Eren squealed. Like actually, squealed. Levi laughed and mumbled a 'I can tell' before following Eren out of the car, who was walking slightly faster than need be.

Levi caught up and grabbed his hand, making Eren slow his pace just a little. He led him to a space underneath a tree near a small pond.

"So, why'd you bring me here? I mean I'm not complaining but there's a reason isn't there?" The look on Levi's face combined with the feeling of tension in the air made Eren feel like he already knew why. He wanted to talk to Eren someplace quiet, someplace peaceful about a sensitive topic. About-

"I want to know about your dad." Eren's breath hitched and he tugged at his shirt, a thing he tended to do when anxiety was creeping up on him. Levi took notice of this and sighed.

"My parents were young when they had me. They were teenagers. When I was born, they weren't particularly happy, I don't think anyone in the family was. Still, they raised me. Sure, everyday they reminded me I was a mistake, but that was it. Eventually they started disappearing more often for work, until I didn't see them for weeks, sometimes months at a time. I didn't mind though. I learned to fend for myself that way." He took a deep breath and let it out, looking back at Eren with considerate and kind eyes.

"Your turn." Eren took a deep breath and close his eyes, lifting his head towards the sky.

"My father doesn't physically abuse me, if that's what you're thinking. My mother isn't around anymore, she died, if it's okay with you I don't want to go any further into explanation with that." Levi nodded, completely understanding how he felt.

"Okay so long story short, my dad became an alcoholic, and ever since then he's treated me like garbage. A lot of emotional damage there." Eren let out a sad chuckle before dropping the saddened smile. "It's not as bad as you might think. People everywhere experience worse things everyday, I don't think I have any right to complain about it." Levi grabbed his hand, making Eren turn his head with a sudden shock.

"Just because it could be worse, doesn't mean it isn't bad the way it is now. You've been through things Eren, so have I. If you live your whole life thinking the way you are, thinking that you can keep everything to yourself because it's not that bad, it's going to kill you in the end. Everyone needs someone to talk to, so let's be each other's person, okay?" Eren could feel tears forming in his eyes. No one had ever been so kind or considerate, no one had ever told him it was okay to let it out. Then again he hadn't had many people in the past he could talk to about these things. No one really understood.

"Yeah, let's be each other's person." Eren pulled Levi into an embrace, nuzzling his head into his chest. Levi relaxed and leaned into Eren, the two staying like that for what felt like ages. It was perfect.

"Well, Eren Jaeger, I don't know about you, but today was successful in my book." Eren pulled away and smiled, still not wanting to let go of Levi's hand.

"Very impressive, I must say." Levi laughed before squeezing Eren's hand.

"Well, before I have to bring you back home, I wanted to ask you something." Levi sucked in a breath and shut his eyes tight, a slight pink overcoming his cheeks.

"Would you want to maybe be my boyfriend? I know we only met a couple days ago and it might be too soon and-" Eren cut him off by crashing his lips onto Levi's, earning a surprised gasp, but in the end Levi had given into the kiss. Eren pulled away, seeing the familiar passion in Levi's eyes yet again.

"Yes, Levi. Yes."

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