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AAaaaaaa im so sorry for not updating for literal weeks :')) school is a bitch. welp here's a story based on an rp with wingedlabwolf on instagram ^^ our RP turned out a l o t darker than this story is gonna go but a few near death experiences are fun every now and again >:D


Gavin frowned from under the blindfold, not liking being unable to see. 

"Can i take it off yet?"

"We're not there yet."

"You still haven't told me where we're going."

"It's a surprise."

Gavin huffed in annoyance. It was their day off and nines was dragging him away to some random place he wasn't allowed to see yet. He felt the air grow fresh and sweet, honeylike. It made him feel strangely calm, the pathway giving out to grass and birds sounding all around them. Eventually, Nines stopped walking.

"Ok. Take it off."

Gavin did so.

The field was huge, flowers of all colours sprouting from the ground and the anklehigh grass a lush, fresh green. A short distance away, a shimmering lake was bordered by tall reeds. It was beautiful.. and confusing. Why had Nines brought him..?

"It's called the secret lover's garden," the android interrupted his thoughts, his cheeks stained a light blue. He was clearly trying to keep his blank expression but it seemed to be breaking, as if he was nervous.

"Okay,,,? But why did you bring me here?"

Nines didn't reply for a moment before taking Gavin's hand and starting to walk into the flowers. He followed, not questioning it. He didn't feel as angry here, like it had cast some kind of spell on him that stilled his rushing thoughts and pushed away scarring memories. The field seemed to stretch out for miles as they began circling the lake, hand in hand and neither of them saying a word. Water lapped at the bank, dragonflies buzzing around their heads. It was like a paradise; Gavin swore he even saw a deer peeking out of the woodland that bordered the meadow. Wow.

It wasn't long until they reached the other side of the lake. the forest was much closer here and the trees build a natural pathway into a glowing grotto. Leaves and shrubbery merged into a beautiful mess of green, sunlight turning patches of the ground gold. A small family of rabbits dashed into the bushes as the two stepped inside, Gavin marvelling at the view and Nines seemingly growing more nervous by the minute. He stopped in the middle of the grotto, his face ever bluer.

"There... is... something else.. about this place. I haven't told you yet."

Gavin tilted his head slightly, listening.

"Many people..... confess to their loved one here.. and...."

His voice was shaking as he took Gavin's hands in his own, facing him directly.


As Nines struggled to get his words out, Gavin leaned forwards (and upwards, Shortass), connecting their lips in a gentle kiss with his own cheeks a soft pink. Nines's eyes widened for a moment before the artificial irises almost melted in relief. He circled his arms around Gavin's waist while the shorter man wrapped his own around the android's neck, deepening the kiss. A bird called out, as if in celebration. The two pulled away, gazing into each other's eyes with tender smiles and full hearts.

"I love you."

"I know."



Plastic prick (Gavin x RK900) OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now