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This is based on a fanart i saw earlier and fell in love with so here ya go. also @plastic_taste complained there wasn't enough content of Gavin being soft so here ya go lad.


He was asleep right? Yeah, great. Gavin sat up in bed, looking at Conan's still form next to him for a moment before silently climbing out. He hadn't been able to sleep for a while now and he guessed there was no point trying. a small grey tabby pawed at his leg, looking for attention. he smiled and picked it up, stifling a laugh as it reached out and pressed it's tiny bean toes to the side of his face. He cast one last look to Conan before leaving their room onto the warmly lit landing. The whole house had a comfortable glow as he made his way down to the living room.

Cats of all shapes and sizes slept in random places, his ferret excitedly ducking through the tube maze he had set up for it a few days prior. Gavin liked the silence aside from the occasional mew or noise from the chinchilla. He reached the living room, sinking into the sofa and smiling softly when the silver tabby joined him, curling around his shoulders. Daydreams flooded to him like a tide until he began to feel bored. There was nothing on TV at this time of night, his work was all at the DPD, the house was already spotless. He sighed when his gaze drifted to the guitar in the corner. God, when was the last time he used that? It must've been months ago.

Gavin slowly stood and approached it, mind whirring with possible songs he could try to play. He sat back on the sofa with it lying in his lap and his legs crossed. The tabby curled up by his leg with it's tail over it's nose. Adorable. 

He strummed it, testing the different notes and tuning them where necessary. His voice was barely a whisper as he chose a song and began to play it, skills not too bad despite the fact he hadn't touched this thing in a long time. The chords felt natural, proving the countless lessons he had as a kid payed off.

"There is a house in New Orleans

They call the rising sun

And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy

And God i know i'm one,"

The cat flicked it's tail contentedly as his voice quietly hit each note perfectly. He had heard his grandfather playing this when he was a young child, before his life went to shit that was, but it still had a special place in his heart.

"My mother was a tailor

She sewed my new blue jeans

My father was a gamblin' man

Down in New Orleans,"  

The song continued, the world phasing out around him so that it was only him, the guitar and the cat. Because how could he forget the cat. He was reaching the end, on the final verse.

"Well, there is a house in New Orleans

They call the Rising S-"

He stopped abruptly, jumping when he heard another voice joining his and snapping him out of his trance. He spun abruptly to be met with a smiling Conan standing in the doorway. Gavin's face instantly turned deep red from embarrassment.

"C-conan! I- i though y-you were asleep!! I-" he cut off as the android chuckled, moving closer and joining him on the sofa. 

"Go ahead, continue. Don't let my presence stop you."

Gavin gulped slightly, staring into his eyes for a moment before turning back to the guitar.

"W-well, there is a house in New Orleans

They call the Rising S-sun

And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy

And God, I know I'm one..."

His voice shook but he finished nonetheless. As soon as he had, Conan took his head in one hand and turned it towards him, kissing him gently on the lips. It only lasted a few seconds before the taller man pulled away, looking Gavin in the eyes with a soft smile. 

"Don't stay up too late, ok?"

And with that he was back to the bedroom. Gavin sat, shocked for a moment before surprise was replaced with flustered amusement. he laughed quietly with a blush still on his cheeks, wondering what song he should play next.


Good boye ;^;

Plastic prick (Gavin x RK900) OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now