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Trigger warning for gore


Gavin stumbled to his door and unlocked it, his face flushed and a goofy smile on his lips. Saturdays. Always a good day to go out and get drunk out of his mind for absolutely no reason at all. Well, it told him to. He guessed that was a good enough reason.

"Oh, Gavin. You're ba- are you alright?" Conan was sat on the sofa flipping through the channels with cats surrounding him.

"Hehehehehe," he didn't even know why he was laughing, "yeeeahh." 

Conan ran an analysis. Flushed face, slurred speech, poor balance. He was wasted. Great. Sighing, the android wrapped his arm around the smaller man's waist and lead him to the sofa, shooing away a cat to make space. 

"Why did you get this drunk? You should've known your limits." Conan looked at his partner disapprovingly. Gavin only smiled back, he clearly intended on getting drunk. Mainly because it told him to.

"Axllll told me tooo," he said as casually as ever.


"yeaaah the creeeature that's aaalways sat in the coooornerrrr."

Conan's face instantly fell to a look of concern.

"What??" Did he maybe mean one of the cats? but none of them were named Axl.

"Yyyoou don'ttt see himmm?" Gavin was beginning to pass out, his eyes flickering. The android saw he was running out of time.

"What does Axl do?"

"Tellls me to dooo thingss. Sooometimess hurts meeee. Saays sommmme shit aboutt a guaardiannn. It gives me niiightmaaares," Gavin laughed, "theresss noo escaapinggg himm." and with that, he was asleep, sunk into the sofa peacefully.

 Conan was in shock. What. The. Hell. He looked towards the corners of the room, concerned but nothing was there. His LED was flickering red, screaming with distress. It would be best for him to sleep right now, he couldn't think straight while drunk. And with that, Gavin was in his arms and being carried to his room. When he was safely in bed Conan turned and flicked off the lightswitch. The morning couldn't come soon enough.


Everything was pitch black when Gavin opened his eyes. He was laying on his side, his muscles aching as if he had been in that position for a long time. He shakily stood and looked around. Nothing. A whispering was echoing in his ears, close to silent at first but gradually growing louder and louder until he couldn't hear his own voice. Gavin shouted and covered his ears with his hands, kneeling down on the floor as the voices merged into one loud screech.

He felt something. Something smooth running along his back. Tried desperately to turn and see what it was but he was paralysed. Things moved in his peripheral vision and his head spun with panic and confusion. Then pain. Excruciating pain that shook his nerves. The creature. It padded around to face him, malice glowing in the hollows where his eyes should've been. 

He had seen it before but it seemed more threatening now, more real. it had the structure of a wolf, shaggy grey fur sticking out untidily. all the soft tissue on it's neck and head had somehow fallen off, leaving only the skull and spine. Wings of bone sprouted from it's back and it's tail lengthened into that of a snake. That was what was causing the pain. The tail had impaled his back, thick red blood pouring from the wound. it pushed in further and he coughed, red liquid now emerging from this mouth and mixing with the endless waterfall of tears. But he was paralysed; all he could move was his eyes. The pain was agonising, unbearable. It whispered his name over and over, his vision blurring as death imminently approached. Smoke billowed from it's skeletal jaws and a loud screech gave him a headache. It seemed endless...


His eyes snapped open, breathing heavily and lying in a pool of his own sweat. His head throbbed, either from the nightmare or of the hangover that was pretty much inevitable after the amount he drank. 

"Gavin? A-are you alright? Was it the creature?" 

Conan was almost panicking, hands on Gavin's shoulders from trying to wake him up. Gavin's words caught in his throat and tears threatened to fall, the dreams had never been so... vivid. The agony he had been experiencing had been replaced with a strange numb feeling. He looked at his android partner, struggling to process what had just happened. Conan pulled Gavin into a hug, holding him defensively while he sobbed into his shoulder. He rubbed circles on the human's back soothingly, staying close to him as his crying gradually calmed. Conan found his eyes being drawn to one corner of the room. It emitted a dark aura, almost as if something evil was lurking there with the intent to hurt. He glared at the area, pulling Gavin into his lap, turning his back to the corner with an urge to protect overriding his coding.

"I'll protect you. Forever."


Aaaaa the good boyes :')

Axl is a character that i created not too long ago. He actually came from roleplaying this exact scenario with my friend. His character ref is at the top. Let me know if you would want any more fics including him in the future UwU he's great for venting. I feel Gavin would be the unlucky one to have Axl and Conan would be his guardian. Precious :'D

Plastic prick (Gavin x RK900) OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now