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"What am I doing here?" Jumin closed his eyes and leant his head back against the headrest of the car seat. In his hand was a report he'd asked for. It read 'Revenge rehearsal schedule'.

He sighed as he looked out the window again. He was supposed to have given up and forgotten Zen, yet here he was, trying to catch a glimpse of him during rehearsals.

He sighed and was about to ask his driver to drive off, but paused as he noticed someone walk out of his parked car, into the theater building. Park Jinho. Jumin quickly turned to his driver. "Wait here." And he got out without a second thought. How could Zen handle that man alone? It was Jumin's idea in the first place, it was his promise that they'd destroy him together. So how was it fair that Zen had to deal with him?

He took long strides into the same entrance Park Jinho had used, and wandered inside. He had been here only once before to watch Zen audition for the play, so he didn't know that place very well. But he could guess the general direction in which he should go. The reception would be able to tell him where they were rehearsing.

As he turned a corner, he was surprised to see someone with a familiar head of mint-coloured hair walk past him urgently. "Jihyun?" He voiced his thoughts aloud, then followed the direction in which he'd seen him walk in. He heard the noises before he saw anything.

"Zen!" Jihyun called out. Jumin stood in the shadows and watched Jihyun. In his mind, numerous thoughts were circulating. What was Jihyun doing here? Did he come with Zen? Had Zen already told him about Park Jinho?

He looked down, the feeling of defeat overtaking him for a second. Was he that easy to replace? With his best friend, at that?

But then he snapped back into attention and focused on the situation. From where he stood, he still couldn't see Zen.

Zen looked over Jinho's shoulder, eyes wide in fright. The moment he heard his name being called, his mind had gone into overdrive. Jumin? He thought. It didn't make sense why he would be here, but at that moment Zen wanted nothing more than to have Jumin there. To feel his reassuring presence, to have his protection and warm eyes.

His eyes fell as he noticed it was Jihyun, walking towards him with a concerned face. Jinho glanced at Jihyun, but didn't move away from Zen. "Oh? You have so many knights, Zen." Jinho smirked at Jihyun as he spoke.

"Who are you?" Jihyun said, trying to be calm. Perhaps he was misunderstanding this situation? But that look of pure fear in Zen's eyes was unmistakeable. "Doesn't matter, does it? We're very close." Jinho's face was so close to Zen's that he could feel his hot breath on his face, and it disgusted him. He could only let out a small squeak in protest. Jihyun was confused. Who was this person? All he knew was that it would be for the best to get Zen away from him. He took a step forward with determination, but loud footsteps suddenly echoed throughout the hall that was empty aside from them.

Zen's eyes widened as he saw who it was. His heart began thumping against his ribcage violently, how it always did when he saw him. He felt warmth rush through his veins as his red eyes made contact with his favourite opal ones. He didn't know how or why he was here, but all that mattered was that he came.

Jumin marched forward with his usual regal posture, face blank as if it were set in stone. He held Zen's gaze as he walked closer to him. Without a pause, he gripped Park Jinho's wrist that was curled around Zen's hip, and deftly, he pulled it so that Jinho stumbled backwards. Then he twisted in and jerked him back, the sheer strength in the movement sending Jinho sprawling onto the floor.

Without a second glance at the pest, Jumin fixated his gaze on Zen's. He reached out to pet the crown of his head affectionately, as he used to. Zen didn't try to stop him. He missed him, he craved his touch. Jumin's heart thudded loudly in his chest as he saw Zen accept his affectionate gesture. He hadn't thought he'd be able to touch Zen again.

Jihyun could only stay silent and look at the two of them. Zen looked happier than he'd ever been for the past few days. No matter how hard he'd tried to cheer him up, Jumin would always make him happier. He tried to keep his face blank as he turned to look down. He'd overestimated his strength. He'd told himself he could handle it, but he was too weak.

As if snapping out of a trance, Zen suddenly pulled himself away from Jumin's outstetched hand like lightning had hit him. His eyes were wide, his cheeks flushed. He couldn't look at Jumin anymore, because flashes of his expression on that rainy night plagued his memories. What was he doing? Had he let him go and dealt with the pain just to fall back on him?

Zen turned around wordlessly and gripped Jihyun's hand. He could see Jumin reflected on the glass in front of him. His shoulders were hunched, and he looked so pained that Zen had to force himself to look away. I'm sorry, he thought to himself.

It's all for you.

"Let's go, hyung." He said, tugging on Jihyun's hand. Jihyun looked at him, surprised, then he understood what Zen was doing. He hesitated for a moment, but then frowned. If Zen wanted to use him, then he could.

He smiled and gripped Zen's hand harder. He looked into his eyes, and for a second, pain flashed through them. But he masked it up again. "Yeah. Let's go."

Jumin watched the two of them walk away, hand in hand. He sighed, walking out. He thought his face was emotionless, as usual. He thought he had it all under control.

But he was wrong.

He caught sight of his reflection in the glass doors of the exit, and stopped. The world was mute to him in that moment, and the tears escaped his eyes freely. Why did it hurt so much? He didn't remember the last time he cried. So why was he crying so much now? The words escaped his mouth in a desperate attempt to release the torrent of his emotions.

"It hurts."

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