five ; hands.

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        I walk back to my room, Mikaela staying silent besides me. She hasn't spoken to me ever since I called her beautiful by mistake. Not that I didn't mean it, I just didn't want to blurt it out like that. But it's true, she is. 

My pace slows down unexpectedly once I see the door, I slide the key in and walk in. Mikaela stands in the doorway, biting the inside of her cheek and looking down.

"Um, thank you..." I start off. "For the beanie, and for the dye." I look at her awkwardly.

She shrugs. 

"You can walk in, you know?" I speak sitting down on the bed. She walks in and shuts the door, pacing towards the room. We stay silent until I speak.

"Can you help me with the dye?" I ask, her eyes meet mine suddenly and she nods. I stand up and walk towards the bathroom, she follows behind me handing me the box of blonde hair dye.

I grab it, opening the box. I look at a weird squirty thing and two small bottles. I look at both of them and try to shake one, Mikaela snorts and I blush slightly. How do I use this thing?

"Here, let me help you." She laughs, grabbing the bottles and beginning to do some weird woman magic on the bottles. It somehow ends up in the squirty thing.

"Okay so I need you to wear a t-shirt that you wouldn't care staining." she instructs smiling up to me. She's very small compared to my height. But, who isn't?

"I don't have one... can I stay shirtless?" I ask at her, she looks flustered.

"Um, y-yeah sure." Mikaela answers gulping. I nod and begin taking off my shirt, I fold it messily and lay it on the floor. Mikaela stares at my bare torso and then meets my eyes. "I-um-need you to sit down on the toilet."

I nod and do as she says, her eyes follow every move I make. She grabs the chunk of my hair and starts putting a blob of hair dye on it.

"Please don't get it on my eye, I've seen Michael's reaction." I blurt out, Mikaela laughs.

We stay silent, she's not the tallest girl so I my face is almost at the same height as hers. I stare at her lips, her eyes. She's beautiful.

"Done, now you have to wait fifteen minutes and that's it." she talks, I nod and smile at her.

"Thank you," I say quietly, she looks at me and stays quiet. "For uh, helping me." I continue awkwardly. She smiles and waves goodbye.

"Wait, Mikaela!" the words rush out of my mouth before I can think about them. "I did mean it," I sigh. "The beautiful thing back there, I did." I look at her, she half-smiles and stays out of sight.


     The next day comes by quicker, Michael wakes me up by farting in my face. He's too disgusting.

I grab my guitar case, since they insisted that everyone who played an instrument had to bring them today to see how much you know and how much you need to improve, I hope today we get to actually sing words instead of the alphabet.

My heart thumps once I reach the cafeteria, the only seat available is besides Mikaela, I don't want to have another awkward encounter with her but I still sit there. I lay the guitar down besides me.

"―nervous, I think I'm going to fail." Winter whispers towards Michael. 

"Tell me about it, I don't even know where the G chord is on the piano. I always forget." Mikaela groans.

"You'll do fine Winter, I've heard you play." Michael tries to comfort her, she begins yelling at him because he wasn't supposed to. I drift my attention to my hands.

"Are you nervous Luke?" Mikaela asks, I am surprised she talked to me.

"Yeah, no one has ever heard me play guitar before, except my mom and it was because of my room." I answer, she smiles.

"I'm sure you'll do fine, you totally have the hands." she blurts out, her face turns slightly red. I admit that was a bit dirty, oh God.

"I-I didn't mean―"

"It's okay Mikaela." I laugh, her face becomes redder.

"Oh God, I should think before speaking." She face-palms, I laugh.


but the hands part tho






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