one ; late.

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          I bite my lip, searching with my eyes for an available table. I clutch the red tray harder in my hands and carefully walk over to the last table, it's empty so I sit there. I place the tray on the table and slide in grabbing the fork and tasting the mashed potatoes, which slightly burn my tongue. I see three people slide into the table laughing. 

"But you should've seen her face though, it was hilarious. I was just trying to bake something for mom and I used too many eggs— oh wait." Winter pauses realizing I'm in the table listening to their conversation. "Can we sit here? Luke, is it?" She nicely asks, smiling.

"Uh, yeah sure. And yeah, it's Luke." I sheepishly smile, Michael glares at me for three seconds. I wonder why.

"So tell us about yourself, Luke." She asks smiling, Michael shifts uncomfortably.

"There's really not much to say—"

"Yeah, he's right. Let's talk about the egg cake you made?" Michael interrupts followed by him groaning.

"Be nice, Michael." She glares at him while hitting his shoulder, I grin a bit. So she does hit hard. "Like what do you like to do, your favorite color, etc." Winter continues, Michael mocks her under his breath.

"I um— I really don't know what my favorite color is, or what I like. I guess music—"

"Excuse me, can I sit here?" The girl from earlier interrupts. She looks expectantly towards us, I nod. The corners of her mouth turn up and she sits beside me. I think her name is Mikaela.

The table turns silent, I clear my throat all of a sudden and prepare to speak. 

"So do you guys play any other instruments?" I ask, Winter looks at me surprised that I spoke up, but the look goes away. 

"I really only play piano, and I'm not really good at it." Mikaela smiles at me, I decide that her smile is pretty.

"I play guitar and a little bit of drums, I'm still taking classes." Winter responds.

"Let me guess, Ashton teaches you." Mikaela smirks, Winter's face turns bright red.

"Yeah, how did you find out?" She breathes out, Michael shifts uncomfortably once more.

"Oh, nothing." Mikaela giggles, I decide that she has a nice laugh too.

"Speaking of the devil." Michael mutters picking on his food. Winter's face lights up, Ashton sits beside her.

"It's really not hard to tell." Mikaela whispers close to my ear, I laugh quietly and she joins me.

The rest of lunch is filled with flirting from Ashton and Winter, glares from Michael, and awkward eye exchanges with Mikaela.


          I grab my suitcase and walk around, trying to find the room that was assigned to me. I hope I get a nice roommate. My walking stops once I find the room, I look around in my pockets for the key and quickly open the door. The room is empty and dark, I look around for a light switch. Once I turn it on, there are two beds and a small little lounge area. It looks like a hotel room. I grab the suitcase and place it besides my bed, and my guitar case following it.

I take off my converse and lay in the bed, staring at the ceiling. The guitar doesn't sound like a bad idea right now so I grab the guitar out of the case and place it on my lap, strumming different chords without any pattern in them. The door creaks up open and a boy walks in, a familiar one.

He groans vociferously and I give him an apologetic smile, even though I do not understand why I am sorry for him. Michael licks his lips and rolls his eyes.

"This is the last thing I needed today." He nods his head and starts looking for something. I stay quiet, not knowing what to do or say. I still don't know why he dislikes me.

"Winter? Yeah. Mjm, I understand. Yes I know you're— stop rambling— ugh." he talks on the phone, I purse my lips. "Do you know if you can change roommates? Uh, no one I just don't like the uh, painting in the walls. Yes they are paintings here. No— don't come here wait— ugh she hung up." He paces on the room.

"Um, hello?" I blurt out, catching his attention. He scoffs.

"I don't like you so I would appreciate it if you'd shut up." He spits, I furrow my eyebrows. A knock comes from the door before I can say anything else. Michael runs towards it, a distraught Winter with a green face mask walks into the room. I bite my lip trying not to laugh at her.

"Michael I don't see any paintings— oh hi Luke." she says in surprise, I smile at her and wave. "God. Michael you said there was no one here! You made me come here with this damn face mask on!" she complains and I laugh.

"Yeah well I barely noticed Louis."

"It's uh, Luke." I correct him smiling sheepishly, Michael ignores me.

"I don't understand why you would want to change rooms, it's only Luke. He's nice." Winter puts her hand on her hips and scolds Michael.

"It's too cold here and I don't like it." Michael argues, I awkwardly stand there looking at my guitar.

"Too bad. You're staying and its final. Okay Michael?"

"I hate you." he rolls his eyes. "Okay." 

"Love you too." Winter beams kissing his cheek. Michael stays angry but his face turns bright red. 

"See ya around Luke." She smiles and leaves the room, closing the door on her way out.

The door opens up once again. "Remember to come over at seven, okay Mike? Mikaela and I are heading out. Bring Luke too. Bye!"


the story isn't about Winter lol sorry about that

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