Chapter 1 One Mistake.

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What's there to live for? Is it really still worth trying? Why does ev-

...A familiar voice started calling "Sparkinson Jake! Were you listening to me!?"

"..." Jake looks around in confusion. A crowd of giggles then followed up behind him in the classroom, that he has been daydreaming again for the 5th time. Miss Jen (the teacher) helplessly sighs, then goes back to teaching her class.

When the lunch bell rung, Jake packed up his lunch box then headed straight to his destination - the washroom. He shuts himself in a stall as usual, since he was quite a loner and was never really welcomed anywhere in school...

The door squeaks from outside, with the echoing of footsteps.

"Don't be silly Harry! Why would you think that'll work on him? " It was Jeena. One of Jake's few friends he met in Magic class. "In order for this to work, we need to continue being nice to him until he speaks up to us!" says Jeena while shutting the door behind. "It's been ages! Jake is not telling us anything at all. Besides, have you seen how others see us now? Being his 'friend' not only ruins our reputation but also humiliates us." Harry sighed as he walked towards a urinal. "But duuuude. You do know how much this can benefit us right? We could be rich! Famous! Who knows what?" Jeena insists. "Alright. Whatever you say... I'm starving." They soon finished their business, washed their hands and left the washroom.

Jake, who's been quietly listening to them the whole time munched on his tuna sandwich wasn't surprised. Harry and Jeena had only been there for him when something bad happened, like when he lit his history book on fire by accident last month, or that time when his eyes were glowing a vibrant red color. He knew they'd only be here for the occasions but not friendship or anything. That sounded lame to him anyway.

Since Jake was a transfer student at Tragic's Den(school's name), he really had to stick with himself. He knew nobody and nobody knew him. It felt like there was an invisible barrier between Jake and the others. Being an outcast in school, he was often picked on by his classmates. As the time being he became more ignorant, so he couldn't care less. He'd grab a book from the library and shove it in his face in breaks, or doodle on his table often with his head down. Jake has always hated the spotlight and he knew something was up with himself too, that's yet to be revealed.

Tragic's Den is a school for people born with special powers, like people who could teleport, levitate, shape-shift, the list is endless. Jake, being transferred to this school was because he had multiple special powers. He could both summon werewolves and levitate objects. Usually in this universe, people are only born with one special power unlike Jake. He was often called a weirdo by his classmates and there were rumors about his unusual red pupils. People often compared him to his father too as he was also born with multiple special powers and was a former student at Tragic's Den.

This school has a broad history with his father - John Sparkinson Flynn. His father was known as one of the top students in Tragic's Den back in his days when he was still a young fellow. Pictures and trophies of him were still exhibited in the hallways nowadays, like 'Best Wizardry Student of 1990 - John Sparkinson Flynn.' 'Top Student of 1993 - John Sparkinson Flynn.', etc. However, Jake's father has recently disappeared into thin air leaving no trace or evidence. Only Jake himself knew what was truly going on, but having nobody to rely on he spoke to no one and kept himself away from attention.

The school bell rung.

Jake finishes his sandwich and comes out of the stall, washing his hands without taking a look at the mirror then leaving the washroom. He constantly thinks about Harry and Jeena's conversation while walking back into his homeroom, being as cold as he is he didn't care at all. He couldn't.

what the fuck i basically just edited the whole thing lmao imma edit the next continuation too later (possibly)

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