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Helicopters roamed the city of Seattle, searching for the two newest and most wanted criminals in the North Western region of America, the "New Bonnie and Clyde" as some have come to call them. We lost sight of them! They went under the interstate tunnel! Requesting ground support! The odd pairing swerved around cars, and darted past civilians, trying to avoid unnecessary casualties. The heavy rain beat down on their backs, slicking the road underneath them. 

Some ground units started tailing them, shouting at them to stand down. Just as Keith Kogane, or better known by his alias, Akira Muto, was about to hit a car, he swerved sharply and pressed a button on his motorcycle, allowing it to hover over the gawking crowd of pedestrians. Thunder crashed and echoed through the city, adding to the suspenseful atmosphere of the chase.

"I'm going to try and divert their attention, babe. Just don't let me fall!" shouted the taller man, reaching for his holsters to pull out his double-barreled pistols; however, these pistols were far from normal. Lance McClain, the former cop-turned-convict now known as, Leandro Gonzales,  fired three shots into the air behind them. The large round pellets exploded, shining brightly and sparking like fireworks. 

Akira, who was momentarily distracted by the spectacle, didn't see the barricade blocking their path... noticing it too late, he spun out due to the rain, causing both young men to fly through the air... Timed slowed in that moment, both boys too stunned to properly react. Leandro reached for Akira, and Akira did the same. Grabbing onto each other, tears filling Leandro's eyes. Then the barely audible words "I love you" escaped from his lips. 

Suddenly, everything went still.

(300+ words)

Y'ALL READY FOR THIS?????!!!!!! 

Okay, so yeah, short quick, and to the point. I just wanted to put in a nice action scene in here. And klangst. Cuz why not. QUAKE IN YOUR BOOTS, BEANS! THIS STORY IS GONNA BE HELLA ACTION PACKED!

💜Runaways💜- Leakira (aka Klance) Cop AUWhere stories live. Discover now