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Jessie's P.O.V

"What the!?" I heard Zoe yell, and then stuffing. 'I should go check it out,' I thought. I walk the direction i hear the noise the loudest and open the door. I look to see a monster, and Zoe and two other tied up.

"Empousa!" I yell

I take my pen and push the cap down, a pen was supposed to come out, instead, a weapon with blades on both ends came out. 

I swung at the Empousa and hit it, killing it in a second.  It crumbled to the ground turning into dust. 

I untied Zoe and then the two others. It was silent for a few seconds then someone spoke up.  

"Im guessing you two are here for the key?" The man asked we nodded, grateful we didn't have to ask. "Follow me." 

We followed the man to a room, that had many boxes, I noticed Zoe walk in the room hesitantly. The man grabbed one the smaller boxes, but this one was made out of wood.  He opened it and handed me the key and then a box. I gave the key to Zoe. 

She gave me a look, "I positive this is for you." 

I shook my head, "Remember the prophecy?" 

"Fine." She took the key and opened the box to find a dagger just sitting there on a velvet pillow. 

She picked it up, "Cool..." she said in shock. 

"It better be cool, it has a better pillow than me." 

She looked at me, "You just ruined the mood." 

"Well, would you two like something to eat?" The lady asked, we both nodded.

"Yes please" I heard Zoe say

"Follow me."

We followed the lady to the kitchen and sat at the table as she made us both sandwiches. The man came and also sat the table. "May i ask what camp you two are from?" 

"I'm from Camp Half-Blood, and Zoe here just found about being a demigod a few days ago"  

He nodded, "Well, I've been holding that thing for years now. For about 13 years." 

We both nodded, I was thinking of a way to tell Him about Zoe being his granddaughter. 

The lady gave us both our sandwiches.

"Im Frederick, Frederick Chase." He told us

"Jessie Grace" 

 He looked at Zoe, "Oh! I'm Zoe Jackson." 

The main paused, his mouth hung open, and so did the lady.

"You- your Zoe?" Mrs. Chases asked

she nodded, "Oh yeah, this is your granddaughter." i blurted 

Zoe looked at me, "Wow... Way to ruin the moment." 

He got up and hugged her, soon the lady joined in. When they let go Fredrick said, "I've been waiting  a while to meet you." 

Zoe nodded, "Same to you both." 

They all sat down, "I can't believe I couldn't tell by your eyes." Mrs. Chase said 

Zoe nodded, "I have my father's eyes."

Everyone nodded, "No der," I said

Zoe looked at me taking out her dagger, "One more thing comes out your mouth I'm going to skin you." 

I nodded, "Whatever princess." 

We didn't tell them about the prophecy or anything like that we just asked if they could give us a ride by the Camp Jupiter entrance. Which they did, they dropped us off about 5 minutes away from the camp.

"Thank you!" Zoe yelled waving as they drove away

We started walking to the camp when we were about 20 feet we heard a female voice, "Hold it!" she yelled, "Who are you and whats your status!?" 

"I'm Jessie and my friend here is Zoe!" I continued, "We are demigods looking for Camp Ju-" I was cut off by a girl around 14 with a male around 15.

 "Hey! You're going to cause people to stare!" 

I looked around, "There's no one here..." 

She grabbed My hand and then Zoe's and started to pull us to camp. We came to a lake, "Wow...A lake," I commented.

"To have you know this is a very important lake, thats- name I can't remember!" 

"Cool," I said, "Can we cross it, or you don't remember how?"

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