Zoe's P.O.V

I looked at Jessie, "Can you stop being so disrespectful?" 

"Can you stop being so bossy?" he said mocking me

"You know what, im sorry," I said looking at the girl, 

She nodded, "Its fine," 

"Thank you" 

She smiled, "Emily." 

"I'm Zoe."

"It's nice to meet you, Zoe,"

"Nice to meet you too."

"Emily, we need to get to camp," a boy named Benjamin said

She nodded, "I know. Let's cross" She looked at me and Jessie, mostly Jessie, "Now!" 

We both followed them in the river, it felt weird but touching it i felt a calling of some sorts, i pushed it off. We made it across and continued to walk till we got to this beautiful place. 

"Wow..." Jessie and I said at once, "It's beautiful" I continued.

"Yes is." Emily agreed. 

I felt this power coming from Emily that i couldn't push it off, i felt the same around Benjamin too. I looked at Jessie, I feel the same power but stronger. 



I leaned into Jessie's ear, which was kinda hard since is like a giant compared to me but I still tried. "I think these two are apart of the group." 

He looked at me, "I had a feeling they were." 

"So what should we do?" I continued, "Just go up to them and be like, your apart of our group of freaks." 

"Freaks, i like to think of us heroes," 

I looked at him, "Yeah, okay whatever." 

Now that i think about it, i'm not a hero. I look at Jessie, he looks back at me and smiles. This isn't my story, it never was. We continued walking till an alarm went off. I looked around and saw kids screaming and running. 

"What the-" I was cut off by a speaker

"Romans this is not a drill, i repeat not a drill. Our allies the greek have called us saying that a demigod ran away with a quest that was not his!" I looked at Jessie, he smiled.

"He is around the age of 15, with brown hair and brown eye's." She continued, "And goes by Jessie." 

Emily and Benjamin looked at us but did not attack. Emily was smiling for some odd reason too. She grabbed Jessie and my hand and started to drag us to i think a cabin. 

She opened and then closed the door with Benjamin behind her. 

"Explain," she demanded, "If this is the quest i think you going on, Benjamin and I get to go." 

Jessie smiled, "Let me guess, it was Camp Jupiter they were on the phone with."  

She nodded, "I'm also a legacy of the 7, Emily Zhang." 

She looked at me, "Zoe Jackson." 

"And im guessing your Jessie Grace," Benjamin stated finally talking, his voice was really nice. 

Jessie nodded full of himself, "And you, are your parents apart of the 7?" 

He shook his head, "No, i spend the school year here and the summer at Camp Half-Blood," he continued, "Both of my parents are Greek, they were i guess helpers to the 7." 

Jessie and I nodded, "Well, want to join us?" Jessie continued, "Yeah we can hold hands and skip into the sunset."

I looked at him, "Shut it, how are we even going to get out?" 

"I have a plan." said Emily, "A good one." 

She handed us both Camp Jupiter shirts, we put them on, "What's this going to do?" I asked

"You'll blend in more," she continued, "Jessie keep your head down." 


The 3 of us looked at im.

"Oh i don't know," said Emily "One: this is your fault, Two: Your ugly." 


Hi guys I kinda think im going to post another story. I honestly don't know the details yet.

Question of the day?  If this isn't Zoe's story then whose story is it? 

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