Not my day

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Calling yourself normal. I would, but what does being normal even imply? What's normal in your opinion? Pretty teenage girl who thinks she is imperfect and has one, maybe two best friends? Could be it. But I believe I'm normal too. Even though, I'm not exactly pretty, nor do I have two friends or one. I think the only thing that's keeping me alive is my attitude (well food too obviously) not that I have a bad one, because I don- well...okay actually yeah I do have a bad attitude according to most people. My name is Kelly. I'm a senior at West Wender High, one of the most cliché schools that I've ever attend to. Considering that I've been to a couple during my life due to my mother's job.

Last year I was being homeschooled, and I learned more than I have learned in this past 3 years. I was happy with my teacher and all the knowledge that I gained in a year. But like always, all good things in my life come to an end. This being one of them. Once again my mother decided to move and this time to the other end of the world, why you ask? Ask my mother because I don't got a clue. Now here I am, at 5:00 in the morning getting ready for my daily running, I'm just hoping to not get lost. When I get down the stairs I notice that the lights are on in the kitchen

"Mom?" I ask loudly.

"Kel for the love of God what are you doing up so early in the morning?" My mother said in worried tone.

Of course she wouldn't know. She barely remembers my birthday. For a moment I noticed how much she changed in the past 4 years, her black hair has now grey hairs here and there, the bags under her eyes are getting each time worse, and the frown that she always seems to carry around is now leaving marks. I don't blame her. Even though I want to, I can't bring myself to. I know for a fact that I would have been worse in her situation.

"So...are you going to answer me Kelly?"

"Oh yes, I uh I'm going for a run before I go to school, you know to relax myself and stuff"

"Well don't take too long, I don't want you late in your first day"

"Of course"

As I make my way outside I put my brand new beats on and put the music real loud. If there's something I can't leave without, is music. And who doesn't like music? Music is one of my favorite escapes aside from movies and books. As I listen to "Bailando" by Enrique Iglesias I check the time. 5:56, I have to make my way back already.

"Hey! Girl is this yours?" I heard a voice call. I turn back to see a girl my age, long wavy brown hair with big hazel eyes with my water bottle in her hand. By the sweat in her forehead, she's been running as well.

"Yes it is, thanks" I said getting back from her.

"No problem" she says with a bright big smile in her face that is hard not to give a smile back.

I start running back home when I hear her voice once again, I turn around once more only to find out she's not talking to me, but to a guy. When they noticed I was staring they turn to me, and I quickly turn around and start running as fast as I can to my house. Once I get there I quickly go upstairs to my room and strip off my clothes to take a quick shower.

Wrapping a towel around my hair and body I step out of my bathroom and notice that my clothes has already been picked out for me, something that hasn't happen in the past 4 years. So this little gesture got me in a better mood to the point where I was smiling like an idiot. But my smile slowly started to go away as I took in the outfit. "What the actual eff mom?"

"Don't talk to me like that kel" my mom warned me making me jump in surprise.

"Mom if you think that I'm wearing that, you are insane" I said disgusted with the outfit.

"Kel it's not your choice, from now on I'm going to be choosing your daily outfits" she said so calmly, like if there's nothing wrong with what she just said.

"No. No I'm not wearing this. I don't know what's gotten into you mother but I'm not doing this. You have no right. No right to do this after everything!" by this point I was shouting. When I turned to face my mother, her bright eyes were watery as they stare at my dresser where I had a bunch of pictures.

"I'm sorry. I really am." She whispered "but I'm not doing this to you again, I've done this to you for a long time and that is changing now. I'm not taking no as an answer. This whole time you've always complained about how you don't got any friends, and that you're not normal, and that you don't fit in. and even though you never tell me, I know it's my fault, I know I'm to blame. So please let me help you make this year the best as possible."

We stayed quite for a minute. I feel guilty for making her feel like that, it was never my intention. I know she doesn't deserve any of this, but neither do I. I guess I'll just give in. After all I do need a change in my life already, plus I missed this. My mom cooking for me and choosing my outfits, I miss the way we talked, I missed our relationship. And I'm willing to try to make it work.

"If you think I'm wearing makeup, you're out of your mind" I said in a teasing tone. My mom smiled, that smile I haven't seen in ages. She quickly comes over to me and gives me a tight hug.

"Hurry up you have five minutes to get dress and five to eat if you want to make it on time."

"I know I'm going!" I said as I struggle to put the damn skinny jeans. "Wait!! What did you cook?"

"Pancakes. Chocolate chip pancakes." She said as she walked out of my room. In four minutes I was dress up. I stop in front of the mirror to see myself. I look different. With the high wasted ripped skinny jeans and white crop top matched with a red flannel, and my high top white converse. I made my way to the kitchen with a heavy sigh.

A/N: Hey guys this is my first story on Wattpad and im really excited to know what y'all think. so please take the time to vote or comment your thoughts!!! Thankssss!!!

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