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Completely shocked. Why does this guy wanna be with me?

"Why would you want to come with me? I thought I was 'weird'?" I smirked.

"You are, believe me. I'm just trying to be nice, orders of my dear sister Stacey." He said while licking his lip.

"Ha ha ha, you know what? How about you go EFF yourself. Thanks byeee!" I gave him my best fake smile and start to walk away, but once again I was yanked back by a strong hand. "OW WOULD YOU STOP GET OFF ME DUDE!" I yelled already irritated by the hot idiot in front of me. DAMMIT I did it again. Ugh ugh ugh ugh-

He started laughing. Why is he laughing?

"What's so funny you idiot?" I asked bitterly.

"I-I'm sorry yo-you look funny making those faces! I wonder what's going up there" he laughed and poked my head.

That's it. This idiot is just asking for it.

"IF I WERE YOU ILL-" but a voice interrupt me again.

"Ms. Stevens, Mr. Flores to my office NOW!" yelled a short man a angry expression taking over his face.

• •

"What were you two doing in lunch time? You both should know that we have rules in this school and one of them is being in the cafeteria at lunch time unless you have a pass. Which you guys don't therefore you guys have detention. Today after school."

"I can't believe I got in trouble. In the first day. And it's all your fault!! Ugh"

"Can you calm down? it's just detention" he looked me up and down weirdly "this bitch needs to chill" he muttered under his breath.

"Did you just call me the bitch word? What's wrong with you! You know, I understand that you don't like me but ugh nevermind. Just ugh" I quickly walked away. I was a little disappointed when he didn't yank me back to him this time, but for the most part I was relieved.


I took the remaining of lunch to look for my next class, English. I sat down besides the door and put my head down. This has been a long day. I could feel my sleepiness taking control when someone kicked me at my sides.

"Ow you bitch!" I said and looked up to meet a very mad Stacey staring down at me.

"What the fuck? I told you to look for me at lunch! Why would you leave me there with those idiots!"

"Look I'm sorry, I was getting something and found my next class on the way, and thought 'why not?'" I lied.

She studied me for a minute before rolling her eyes. "move" she barked and after my confused look she added "scoot over I want to sit" I did.

We stayed silent for a while until I couldn't take it anymore.

"So, tell me Stacey, how's life?"

I waited for an answer but instead I got laughter. Her laugh was similar to her brothers, to be honest they were both pretty similar in many ways.

"O my god, Kelly you're so awkward!" she said in between laughs.

"You and your brother...-"

"Yes we are. We're twins."


"Why? You like him? Cause that's not a good idea. He hates humans." I made a disgusted face at her assumption..

"No I don't like him. I was just wondering because you guys look so much alike you know?"

"I guess, my brother is pretty fucked up you know? I always try to talk to him, have a normal conversation but no! He just won't listen! A-and I-I don't know!" she cried.

"Um... Don't worry.. I- I'm sure.. I mean.. I-" but she started to laugh again.

"You're so horrible at comforting, and I'm sorry for telling you like that. I just don't really have anyone to talk to you know?" And right after the bell rang.

Thank god.

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