A bad start

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After eating four pancakes and saying goodbye to my mom I got in to my baby. My life, my love, my everything. Ladies and gentleman I'm talking about my beautiful car. A black classic 1962 Mercedes-Benzes, one of the few that still work. In my opinion my car is a truly piece of art, I was super excited when my mom got it for my eighteenth birthday. As I made my way to school "All about That Bass" was blasting in my car.

When I parked my car in the school's lot I was starting to get really nervous. But I can't enter to that lame school with my head down. Hell no. That's not me anymore. But now that I think about, I don't really got a choice I mean I don't know anyone in this school, and I know for a fact that this school is real cliché. And I'm not kidding when I say that. In this school you have all that queen bees, football players, jocks, bad boys, and nerd bullshit going on. Luckily I've never been part of any of those groups, because I always went unnoticed by everyone. I never stayed at lunch for long to avoid being noticed, and the few people who notice me where in my class. I never really tried to make friends since I knew I would move soon or later. Once I got to my locker I glance at my schedule to see my first class. Calculus room 105. And where the hell is that? Ugh eff my life, I'm done, I-

"Hey!" that voice. I know that voice.

"Oh hi..." I said awkwardly

"I saw you today in the morning, and you took off running" she said with a hint of humor in her tone.

"Oh yeah sorry about that, you see I had to get home and well yea..." we stayed quite, both taking each other's appearance. Suddenly she nodded in approval, and gave me a big smile.

"My name is Stacey Flores" she said sticking out her hand for a shake

"Uhh... Kelly. Kelly Stevens." I said shaking her hand

"Let me see your schedule, I know you're new here and I would like you to hang out with me. All my friends already graduated and the rest of the people here are not worth it." She said as she looked over my schedule. "we have 2 classes together, wow you're really smart, maybe you can even tutor me" she giggled "well I can show you to all your classes since they're all pretty close, and then I'll look for you for lunch okay?" Yeah sure, why not? Maybe because I don't know you my sarcastic-self kicked in.

"Sure" I smiled.

"Okay then I'll walk you to calculus, maybe I can get my brother to walk you to your classes because I think you both have the same schedule."

"You mean the guy from the morning?"

"Yeah" she said with a giggle "He thought you were really weird" she giggle once more. I cringed. I hate the sound of giggling. I hate the word giggle. I quickly recovered with a big smile, I mean, at least I have a sort of friend right?

As Stacey walked me to my calculus class, she filled me in with all the "Yes's and the No's" of the school.

"Those are the nerds of the school, I don't recommend making any deals with them though, those nasty bastard are quite tricky." She said pointing at a group of kids with glasses and acne on their faces, a frown made its way to Stacey's flawless face as if remembering something she would rather forget. She quickly changed her feature to a smile and continued with the next group of kids "now those are the football players, I mean the hot ones of course." She said pointing at a group of boys laughing really loud. "And those are the sluts." She said and pointed at a group of girls with short dresses and annoying laughs. "Those are the queen bees, they're complete bitches" she said while pointing to a group of girls with expensive purses. "Those are the bad boys, they are the ones in charge of pranks and parties. Most of them are really cute but they're all jerks." She said with a knowing look. "And that is my brother" she nodded her head in someone's direction. There was standing a tall guy, brown messy hair, he's eyes were focus on us. Those were some beautiful eyes, brownish with green dots. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt with black jeans. Saying he's hot is an understatement, the guy looks like a freaking model. And I couldn't help but notice the frown on his beautiful face as he approached us.

"Hey Richard" Stacey said with enthusiasm

"Stace you're going to be late again if you don't get your ass to your class" he scoff

"In a good mood I see" she said with an annoyed tone "I need you to walk Kel to Cal since you're going there too, actually I want you to walk her to all her class 'cos you both have the same schedules"

Richard turns to look at me from head to toe. Then he turned to his sister.

"What makes you think that I'm walking her to the classes, I'm sure she can figure it out by herself." What a jerk! And here I am thinking his perfect. Perfect my ass. Eff him his ugly as eff.

"Damn right I can, and I will. Stacey it was a pleasure I'll see you around" I turn with a small wave and make my way to the class.

It's going to be a long day.

A/N : Hey guys! this is my story on Wattpad and i would really appreciate it if you guys can comment if you like the story!! Even with just a vote y'all letting me know you like it.

Well byeeeee

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