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I was laying there on the floor for quite some time already. Too afraid to move I just layed there waiting for someone to find me. Although I just hoped for that someone to not be Taehyung. Unfortunately, my wish didn't seem to matter as that was exactly who found me first. He ran to me and helped me sit down on the bench next to me. I could see how sad he looked but once I told him I was fine his sadness disappeared and slowly turned into something else. "Who did this to you?" He said angrily. I didn't dare to look at him. "Was it Jimin?" he asked. Hearing the boy's name made me shiver. That was the only sign Tae needed to run outside the changing room. I didn't want to move. I was still in pain but I knew that if I don't do something, all this could end up really badly. With difficulty, I stood up and I've put some shirt on. Then walked as fast as I could, holding my stomach in pain after Tae. I didn't want him to do anything that he will later regret. 

It wasn't hard finding him as I could hear him shouting at the whole school hallway. "You little bitch!" Tae said angrily while pushing Jimin against the wall. "You think you can just go around and bully people?!" he shouted. Jimin didn't seem to be either impressed or scared by the other. He just kept his face without any expression.  That only made my boyfriend angrier and soon his fist landed on Jimin's face. "Tae no!" I shouted but I was too late. Now it turned into full -time fist fight. I tried to pull Taehyung away but I was too weak so I just stood there shouting at both of them. Finally, after few minutes the P.E. teacher came running and helped me pull them both apart. "What is going on here?!" the teacher asked but before anyone could answer he started talking again. "You know what. I don't want to hear it. Both of you, to the principle office. now!" he said to the boys and then turned to the rest "what are y'all looking at? Go back to your class before I will give you detention." and with that everyone slowly went back to class. I stood there still confused about everything. "Jungkook. You don't look so good. Maybe you should go to the nurse, rest a little bit. " the teacher said while walking away towards the principle office probably to check if they actually arrived there. I only nodded and made my way to the nurse. I just hope that Taehyung will be okay. 

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