Chapter Two

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As the sunset gave way to evening, the two travelers passed through the majestic Monument Valley. It was situated on the boarder of New Mexico, and Blake and Russel witnessed the array of colors rolling across the rock spires, rising hundreds of meters off the desert floor, a sight so iconic to the area. Blake could not help wondering while driving what his father was searching for out in this remote wonderland of nature. All the years he had spent living some twenty-five miles away on Native American land and then commuting over to this dreamscape to spend so much of his life, was perplexing. Yet it gave Blake a new image in his mind to hang onto, where there was always such a blank when it came to his non-existent father.

"This place is crazy awesome," Russel said, staring outside the car and speaking for the first time since they left the small town of Kayenta.

"Yeah, Russ. So what do you think William was looking for out there? The place is pretty trippy if you ask me."

"The sheriff said it might be gold."

"OK. Possible. The southwest did have that. Spaniards ripping off the Indians for their gold and silver. This key I found . . . to some place in Farmington?  It just may lead us to some answers out here, Russ."

"Or like everything else the man had, it may be just worthless. A key to nothing. I just want to go to this place for a couple of cold beers . . . and a good night's sleep."

"Yeah, I hear you, Rusty.  Come on . . . this is our time away from school to enjoy ourselves. I promise. We'll get down to San Diego for the rest of the week. Talk was, a lot of students will be chill'n down there. Super bars and beaches, buddy."

"And a few beauties, I hope."

"San Diego?  The beaches are full of them! It's like bikini heaven  down there! And a great bar scene."

"So, what are we doing here in the desert, pal?"

"Look, Russ. You said you need sleep. We'll do that in Farmington. An hour or so away. I'll check out this key address in the morning . . . and then its . . . San Diego here we come!

"I hear you, pal." Russel was now smiling, watching the dark, lonely highway stretch out up ahead.

There was no smile on Blake's face as he became pensive.

"I just can't understand why anyone would want to shoot the guy," he finally said quietly. "Out where he wasn't bothering anyone."

"Yeah, that's harsh, Blake. Hard to let go of, I know."

After a full hour driving in the dark, the bright lights of Farmington appeared, sometime after they passed a sign that read: Entering New Mexico—Land of Enchantment.

* * *

Farmington was a good-sized city—a brightly lit strip mall with many shops along the main boulevard. A McDonalds and a Starbucks told the two they had reached civilization at last. Tired from the road and the emotionally-draining day, Blake pulled into the first road stop they came too, a Best Western Hotel.

Entering the lobby, the two carried their light bags in and registered at the counter.

"You guys planning on staying a while," the middle-age woman with tattooed arms asked them.

"Naw, just one night," Blake replied. "We get a breakfast with that?" he added, putting away his credit card.

"Absolutely. It's the best around town . . . for the money," she told him. "You two here for the rock show tomorrow?"

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