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Over the next six months, Michael's, Tuwa's, and even Blake's life took on a more focused direction. As committed members of the growing organization to bring full disclosure of alien presence to the world, they each worked tirelessly and with a sense of fulfillment to provide the movement's progress toward the truth.

Michael went back to Yale and became a popular lecturer and international media pundit on the subject of Native Americans and their historical legacy of initiating an integrated, spiritual universe. Tuwa teamed up more fulsomely with Dr. Berling to write for a popular TV series, presenting archaeological evidence of alien influence on ancient Southwestern cultures.

As for Blake, he returned to the University of California, Santa Cruz more seriously to pursue a major in investigative journalism. Staying in touch with his father over the Net and committing to become a useful chronicler of the paradigm-shift going on from what was quickly being discovered, was, as his father advised, a prudent and necessary undertaking.

Blake's friends were never to fully learn the astounding developments of what his brief sojourn into the desert that Spring Break brought—both to him personally, or to the world and its burgeoning self-concept, pieced together steadily from his chance discovery.

The ongoing demystification of information revealed from the discs and by the relentless efforts by Mr. Lancolm's clandestine resources to wholly decipher the "Star Gift Artifact," as it became known, was able to throw a greater and no less ethereal light on our origins as humans. It also better revealed and crystallized a morphing comprehension of our true past and our historical connection to others in the heavens.

Diverse strands of research would continue by archaeologists, historians, and anthropologists to pull together surprising new knowledge of Mankind's past. It was dramatically compounded by stunning anomalies photographed and reluctantly released by NASA of past and obliterated colonization on the Moon and Mars. The world was awakened by these annihilated remnants and became all the wiser to our fragility. Such threads of enlightenment presented a clearer picture of the otherworldly influences on the tapestry of human existence. And from them, our life form became more conscious of its own destiny.

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