what he says to you while drunk

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axl: "You make me feel... funny?" he questions his own question, staring at you for a moment before laughing it off. That's before he appears somehow serious again, drunk eyes staring right at you and you don't know what to think anymore. "Yeah, you just make me feel... warm. I'm never cold with you. Never really scared", he adds doing his best to describe that strange feeling. Burning feeling of an alcohol returns to his throat and he smiles a bit, but somehow sadly. "It's confusing, though. I've never been in love before. Is this how it feels like then?"

duff: "I'd like to do some things to you", he mumbles into your ear before pulling just a little bit away to take yet another shot of alcohol of his choice. There are some thoughts floating to the front of your mind, but his lips bringing them to life and making your cheeks turn bright red color. "Dirty, heated things. I want to do all of them", he says again and stumbles a little bit before he presses himself to you, wet lips connecting with the skin of your shoulder. "I want you to scream my name", he murmurs trailing a line over your bare arms, lips revealing a smirk.

izzy: "I think I'm in love with you", he says in a whisper, drunken eyes locked on your face as his long fingers trail a lone over the side of your face before settling on your cheek. The other hand sneaks behind your back and resting on your waist in attempt to pull you just a little bit closer. A moment passes and your head is lightly raised up, warm fingers forcing you to look at him. "You're drunk", you say somehow suspicious at the words he'd said for the first time ever. "Doesn't mean I don't mean it."

slash: "I'm sad we broke up", he whispers after a way too much drink for a night that is not much different than the other ones. It's been two months since you've broken up and he's still not complete, can't live without having you by his side; drowning sorrow in alcohol. "Like... we used to have so much fun", he whimpers again taking his head in hands. "I really loved you. And I think you loved me too, right? I hope you still love me because I'm always going to be in love with you. I just can't get you out of my head and it sucks and it hurts not having you by my side. I love you, okay?"

steven: "I think I'm in love with you", he says in a whisper, drunken eyes locked on your face as his long fingers trail a lone over the side of your face before settling on your cheek. The other hand sneaks behind your back and resting on your waist in attempt to pull you just a little bit closer. A moment passes and your head is lightly raised up, warm fingers forcing you to look at him. "You're drunk", you say somehow suspicious at the words he'd said for the first time ever. "Doesn't mean I don't mean it."

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