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Hah, LMFAO was THE summer song for my 2011 summer so pardon me if LMFAO doesn't fit the scene:)

Song:Sorry For Party Rocking- LMFAO


Five years ago:

"Please don't go Drake." I begged him, standing in the airport. I could never tell him how I actually felt, it would jeopardize our friendship.

"I have to Kath. Look, if we're really best friends then we'll continue our relationship no matter how far away we are from each other." he smiled and lifted my chin.

I pulled away."Yeah I guess," ..I have to tell him. "Drake-" he looked at me with his big brown eyes and whispered, his lips barely brushed mine.

"I.. Love you Kath, I've loved you since we met. There was no doubt about loving you but I wasn't sure it was the more-than-friends love, and I'm still not sure, but if it is and I come back in I dunno, five years, and I have the same feeling then I do love you... Okay?" he pressed his forehead into mine and smiled.

All I did was look down. "Okay. Look Dra-" he kissed me, my very first kiss. His lips were soft, and not demanding. It was like he was actually saying goodbye in a kiss. Then he pulled away. "ake... I-"

"I've always wanted to do that," he smiled and took a small step back. My heart attempted to flutter, but it remained in my toes. My best friend was still leaving me, and practically breaking my heart before actually breaking it. "I'm sorry it's like this Kath. I've got to go." he motioned to his parents behind him.

"Yeah I guess, bye best friend," I looked away, but when looked up again he and his parents were already walking away. "Love you too.." I whispered to my toes, tears dropping to the floor. This really was goodbye.


 He had blue hair, and I fell for him. I don't know why. I still thought about Drake but when we dated for a week, I couldn't let go for some strange reason. After he dumped me, we didn't really talk for the rest of my Junior year-- his Senior year. Summer came along and by then his hair was back to it's normal dark brown color, his brown eyes still so comforting, and his tall lean body still fit. It was the first week of summer and I was up late reading, and then I got a call. I picked up my phone and looked at its glowing screen, it showed the picture of the guy I was thinking about..

Oh fuck me..

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