Chapter 8

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Song: Marilyn Monroe - Nicki Minaj

Song2: Ass Back Home - Gym Class Heroes (Inside jokes between Kath and Drake.)

 Sitting on my bed, tears were still sliding down my face as Ass back home started to play. As if on cue, Drake sang opening my room door.

"Oh, so sexy y'all,"  Drake said with a sexy smirk as he entered my room.

My part was coming up.

"I don't know, where you're going

Or when you're coming home

I left the keys under the mat to our front door

For one more chance to hold you close

I don't know, where you're going

Just get your ass back home," I sang back, reluctant and surprised he showed up so random.

"We both knew this type of life didn't come with instructions,

So I'm trying to do my best to make something out of nothing

And sometimes it gets downright shitty in fact

When you call and I don't even know what city I'm in at

Or what day of the week in the middle of the month

In a year I don't recall

It's like my life's on repeat and the last time we spoke

I told you I wouldn't be long,

That was last November, now December's almost gone

I'd apologize but I don't realize what I'm doing wrong," he sang coming further into my room.

"I don't know, where you're going

Or when you're coming home

I left the keys under the mat to our front door

For one more chance to hold you close

I don't know, where you're going

Just get your ass back home," I sang.

"And you've been nothing but amazing

And I never take that for granted

Half of these birds would have flew the coop

But you, you truly understand it

And the fact you stood beside me,

Every time you heard some bogusness

You deserve a standing o 'cause they'd a just been over it

Let em talk, let em talk, let em talk, let em talk

Like we don't hear what they saying

Let em walk, let em walk, let em walk, let em walk

We'll just drive by and keep waving

Cause you and I above all that Just let them wallow in it

Now they all choked up, yuck

Cause they be swallowing it," he sang on cue, getting closer.

"I don't know, where you're going

Or when you're coming home

I left the keys under the mat to our front door

For one more chance to hold you close

I don't know, where you're going

Just get your ass back home," I sang weary of him.

"No one hold me down like you do sweetheart

You keep doing that, I keep doing this

We'll be alright in the end

Trust that

We put the us in trust, baby

Let's go," he held his hand out to me.

" I don't care what you're after

As long as I'm the one, no

I don't care why you're leaving

You'll miss me when you're gone," I sang, taking his hand. Quickly he pulled me to him.

"I don't know, where you're going

Or when you're coming home

I left the keys under the mat to our front door

For one more chance to hold you close

I don't know, where you're going

Just get your ass back home," I started crying again.

"I'm home baby," he kissed my cheeks over and over again.

"We haven't sung together in forever," I pulled away from him.

"As you said, it's hard to break forever,"he smiled a little.

"Just because I sang with you doesn't mean I forgive you for anything," I looked away.

"You don't have to," he got closer. "I'm sorry for everything," he ran his hand through his hair. "You know, that song really explains us," he said.

I was laying face down on my bed and I felt my bed dip when he sat on it. "How," I looked up at him.

"You kept leaving the keys under the mat, waiting for me to come back.. As in you always forgave me when you shouldn't have," he thought for a minute. "By the by, you moved the whole freaking mat to a tree.." he smiled. "That's such a you move," he winked and kept talking.  "Anyway you understood when I didn't, and you're always at my side no matter what. I didn't realize what I was doing wrong, and you've been nothing but amazing.. You let them talk, like you didn't hear it.. But you did. You let them walk.. You let me walk. You did what you had to. Most of the birds would have flown the coop.. Meaning most of my friends would have left but you stayed. We both know this life didn't come with instructions.. So we had to make our own instructions. Trust me we put the us in trust, because of what we've been through. We'll be together in the end because you always find a way and you lead me to it," he smiled with sadness.

"Drake," I sat up. "I don't know what to say," a tear slipped.

"Don't cry, I'll leave," he got up, walking towards my door.

 I know.

I should let him go. Forever.


I jumped on his back.

"No don't! It was a happy tear not a tear of pain and sadness," I kissed his cheek.

"I've missed you, I hope you still want me to go to Miami,"

He dumped me off his back and picked me up again so I could be face to face with him.

"Of course you're going to go!!"

"You won't reject me?"

"Never," he smiled.

"Never ever?" I looked for a answer. I hoped this was the last time this kind of thing would happen..

"Never ever ever," he smiled and crushed me to his chest.

"Babe, we're together Forever and Always, never forget that. Even you told me you can't break forever even if you try,"

"Forever and Always," I repeated hugging him so tight it felt like if I let go I'd lose him forever.

"Yes. Forever and Always YOUR Hero," he smiled.

"My hero," I grinned, looking at the sexiest man on earth, who happens to be my best friend, and Hero.

Forever and Always..

Or so I thought. Maybe I shouldn't be so quick to judge situations.. Just like last time....

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