Chapter 10

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Song: Lips of an Angel by Hinder

I stood looking at the full body sized mirror in Zayley's hotel bathroom, touching my fading black hair. I sighed thinking of what I'd do with it. Red? Black with purple?? Grabbing my phone off the bathroom counter I rushed into the main room of the suite.

"Zay! We are dying this tomorrow," I pointed at my hair. She glanced up at me from her book.

"Alright.. why? " she looked at  my phone."Did he text you?" I looked at my phone too.

"It's disturbing.. and what?" I dove into the bed next to hers. "No! Anyway.." I climbed under the covers. "We are going to be legit. I'm changing everything about me. EVERYTHING. I still want to be here, just not the same as me... you know?" I layed on my back and looked at her with a faint smile. "I want to enjoy it while I'm here. I don't need Drake to make it fun. Now sleepy sleep time? It's almost  five AM..."

"Ah yeah," Zay put her book down and got up to turn out the light. "Night babe," the lights went off and I slowly, and almost painfully drifted off to sleep.

-Kath's dream-

  I was standing there in my white aviators, my hair dyed brown and flowing in the soft wind. I had white American Eagle shorts with a light blue Hollister tank and brown strappy sandals. There were people everywhere cheering, crowding around long piece of road. Soon, engines started roaring to life. I was at a drag race. Why? Who was racing?

 I saw his car.  Drake's car, and Jessica was standing next to me with a huge smile talking to me. Why can't I hear her? At first I heard the roar of the spectators and engines, but now.. All I hear is my breathing and heartbeat, but soon my breathing sped up along with my heartbeat, I felt full of adrenaline. No, this wasn't what I was feeling, I can feel his heartbeat, Drake's I mean.

 Out of nowhere I heard the engines again with the announcer "One minute to start, racers are you ready!!?" The crowd roared. "Five, four, three, two.. ONE GO!!" The cars roared past, Drake in the lead.

 DRAKE!! I saw it before it happened. Drake's car veered hard to the left, smashing into the guardrail, flipping the car multiple times. Soon enough the car stopped while being engulfed in flames. I was running. Running towards the car before anyone saw it. Jessica reached for me but I was just out of reach. I heard alot of "YOU CRAZY BITCH!! DONT GET ON THE TRACK!" as I ran towards the car. A guy was pulling Drake's body out of the car and he was barely breathing.

"Drake!!" I screamed dropping on the ground next to him. I picked up his head and put it in my lap. "Don't.. DON'T LEAVE ME!!" I said hugging him. He opened his eyes, his pulse slowing down more.

"I won't leave you Kath. How could I leave you?" he smiled weakly. "Your my bestfriend, You..You've changed," he sighed, closing his eyes, his heart almost stopping.

"Drake!!" I pounded his chest. "Do.Not.Leave.ME!!" I cried as I kept pushing on his chest. "Please," I sat on my haunches, putting my forehead against his forehead."Drake.. I love you. I alway have, always will," more tears fell.

"I love you Kath. I never stopped caring.. I love Jess too....." he smiled slightly before I felt his heart stop. It was almost like my own heart stopped. The paramedics ran up just as Drake's heart gave, and they pulled me away.

"MISS! MISS!!" A paramedic lifted me up and drug me away from Drake's body, "We need to save him," he set me down and rushed back to Drake, sending shocks through him with a machine, trying to wake him up. I knew he wouldn't wake up, because it was almost as if a piece of me died off with him. If only he would be able to wake up....

-End Of Dream-

I shot up, drenched in a cold sweat. I grabbed my phone hoping it all wasn't real.

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