Chapter 6

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Viktor Nikiforov POV

A week passed since Yuri and I had actually became friends.

When Phichit left, I tried my best to keep Yuri's anxiety under control just like he did, but I didn't know if I'd ever be as good as Phichit.

Yuri was starting to trust me more and more everyday, which I was excited about. The only thing he couldn't understand is why I, being a famous model, would want to be good friends with him.

And to be honest, I didn't know why I did. Ever since the group chat, I got this good vibe from him, and I wasn't about to throw away that vibe.

I was right about him though, he really was a nice person, he was just a little shy and not at all quick to trust. But, I can say I do like that about him.


I saw Yuri's text and smiled. I really did want to see him, I wasn't joking about flying to Japan to visit; but I didn't know if he wanted to see me.

Yes, Yuri?

I'm bored!!!


That meant entertain me :(

Haha, so needy. That's cute.

Hopefully that'd made him blush. But, why did I want him to?


Yes, *милашка.

What ever that means, I'll take it as a compliment, so thank you! :)

Take it how you want, but I can assure you it's true.

Incoming Call from: Yuriiiii 💁🏻‍♂️

"Yuri!" I answered the phone a little too enthusiastically. "Viktor.. I looked up what that meant.." I could picture the blush spread on his face at that moment, and I laughed at the thought. "Haha, didn't I tell you it's true?" I heard him clear his throat on the other end. "No, you just didn't tell me you were a liar."

"Oh really? Am I now?" I replied jokingly. "Yes! Yes you are! I'm nowhere close to being a *cutie." He huffed a little. "Okay, Yuri; I'm sorry for telling the truth..." I giggled and he sighed. "Whatever."

"So, when are you going to let me come down to Japan to see you?" He breathed in sharply. "I-I didn't know you were serious..."

"Why wouldn't I be serious? ...I really want to see you. And, I might even be able to help with the financial issues!" He gasped. "W-What?? No, Viktor, that's asking too much of you.. I mean, you already want to waste money to come see me, I couldn't possibly ask you you to pay our bills too.."

"Yuri, any money I spend to do anything with or for you, is definitely not wasted. I'm spending it because I want to." I reassured him. "Viktor.. What will people say if they found out "The Viktor Nikiforov" was paying my bills? I'd seem like some charity case to the world!"

"But you're not. You're someone I care about and want to help. Besides, who cares about what people think? Their thoughts aren't relevant in this situation." He just sighed again. "..Fine."

"So you'll let me help you?!" I said happily. "Maybe, just a little bit." He said quietly. "Yes!!" I semi-yelled, "So, when can I come??" I  asked, grabbing my laptop to check when a plane would be leaving from Russia to Japan.

"I'm looking at flights to Japan at my nearest airport, and it looks like there's one in two weeks, October 6th on a Saturday." I told him.

"Um, okay, that sounds fine to me; but I'll let you know what my parents say, okay?"

"Yay!! Thank you Yuuuri!" And I hung up.

I was genuinely smiling. The fact that Yuri was going to let me come see him made me so happy. But, not only was it up to him, it was up to his parents. I hoped they would let me see their son.


Yuri Katsuki POV

After Viktor hung up, I went to go find my parents.

I knew it was going to be a lot on them at first, not only because they had no idea who Viktor was, but because they would've had to consider letting a stranger into their home.

I know they want me to have my own friends and be happy, but sense that I met Viktor online, they would be really iffy about it. At least I knew that much.

I saw my mother in the onsen, putting away clean towels, and my dad was working the suite.

I walked up to my mom, and she said "Oh, Yuri! Did you come out of your room to help? We could sure use it!" I paused for a second. "Um... Actually, mom, I need to talk to you and dad about something.." She gave me a confused look and said, "Okay, hun. But can it wait for a little? We're busy right now." She replied as she started walking back to where my dad was.



It was dinner time, and my mom and dad sat at a table with me in the dining room.

"So.." I began, "Mom, dad, I have an insane question that will probably be very iffy to you, but I really want you to consider it." They looked puzzled. "Okay? What is it, son?" My dad said taking a bite of his dish.

"Well, I've made a friend." Their jaws dropped. "That's great honey!! What's so iffy about that?" My mom said. "I haven't asked the question yet.." They looked at me, telling me to continue.

"I met him online. His name is Viktor Nikiforov, from Russia, and he's a huge super model all around the world. We've met while ago, we're good friends now, and he really wants to come see me.." I looked at them. "So would you please consider letting him come?" Mom moms mouth moved, but nothing came out, but then she actually spoke up.

"Yuri, I'm so happy you've made a friend. And I'm glad he wants to see you. But, we can't afford for another person to stay here, who's not a customer, dear." I knew that, but Viktor had money.

"But mom, he's famous. He has money. And he's even offered to help us with our bills!" I added, hopeful that she would change her mind.

"Really?? He said that?" My dad questioned. I could tell Viktor has his word. But what about moms?

"Yes. So.. What do you say, mom?" Her eyes widened, then her face pulled into a smile.

"I'd like to meet this Viktor boy."

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