Chapter 1

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Yuta; 19 y/o // Sicheng; 18 y/o

   Sicheng was enjoying his weekend at home when he decided he wanted to go to the park. It was only right down the street in his neighborhood and he loved the swings the most.

   So he got up and got dressed into some light blue skinny jeans and a pink sweater with pastel pink vans. After grabbing his phone and house keys he ran down the hall and left the house to go to the park for a bit.

   He began his walk and soon got there, it was getting late so no one was around, but it also meant he couldn't stay too long since it would get dark soon.

   Sicheng saw the swings come into sight and smiled and ran towards them, quickly sitting down and beginning to swing back and forth happily. He always enjoyed the park, he had been coming here ever since he moved to Korea from China a year ago and it was even where he made new friends.

   He had been swinging for a while so his legs were beginning to hurt so he slowed down to a stop. "I think its time to go home, my legs feel numb" he thought as he got up and took a step forward to leave. His legs must have fallen asleep because after that first step he ended up tripping over a stray rock and fell forward, luckily his hands broke his fall but now his hands were scratched up and hurting along with his legs.

   "Ow...that hurts.." the soft boy said sadly sitting up and looking at his injured hand. He hates when he gets hurt, and his mom wasn't home to help him so he began to cry sadly.

   Sicheng sat on the ground and sniffled waiting for his legs to feel better so he could go home, when he heard someone walk up beside him.

   He looked up and saw a boy in all black with messy dark hair looking down at him, but soon crouched down to his level.

   "Why are you crying?" he asked looking at the other in a curious manner.

   "Um I-I tripped and hurt my hand and my legs hurt from swinging too long..." Sicheng said sniffling again and wiping his face with his sweater sleeve.

   "That's no reason to cry pretty boy, can I see your hand" the boy said nodding at his cut hand, and Sicheng slowly showed his injury to the other. He was trying not to blush since they did just call them "pretty boy" but luckily his tears hid that fact.

   "My name is Yuta by the way.." the boy now known as Yuta said while he took the others hand in his and examined the cut. "M-my names Sicheng..."he said looking at the other boy.

   "Well-Sicheng, Its not too bad so you should stop crying, but here let me clean it..." he said grabbing his water bottle and gently pouring water on the cut to wash away the blood and dirt. Sicheng squirmed and whimpered since it burned a little.

   "Hey you're a big boy aren't you? It doesn't hurt that bad" Yuta said drying the boys hand with his shirt carefully and pulling a band-aid out from his back pocket. He put it on the boys hand and patted it letting go. "There, that wasn't so bad now was it?" he said giving a half smile to the boy in front of him.

   Sicheng smiled brightly and shook his head, "No it wasn't!" "Thank you hyung" he said feeling a lot better now. "Its no problem.." Yuta said looking away from the too cute boy smiling at him.

  He stood up and dusted his pants off, "Can you walk now?" He said offering the smaller boy his hand helping him stand up.

   "Um I-I think so..." Sicheng said finally standing and making sure his legs felt better. Thankfully they did and even his hand felt better. "Well um I gotta go, supposed to meet some friends 'nd what not, so I'll see you around pretty boy" Yuta said smirking at the soft boy and waving goodbye.

   "B-bye Yuta hyung! See you too..." Sicheng said blushing and waving goodbye as well and turned in the opposite direction to go home.

   He soon arrived home and went back to his room to text his friends all about the incident, his mom would be home soon but he won't tell her about the park incident since she might worry and not let him go anymore so it'll be a secret Sicheng thought as he began texting away and thinking of the dark boy who helped him.    

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ajskajskaj Another book!!! cx cx this book will be Yuwin <333 and ofc i'll include a few side ships as well here and there : ) I really hope you all enjoy this new story and give it lots of love c': Updates for now will either be random or on a friday <3

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