Chapter 4

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   The following day all Sicheng could do was think about last night. He had his first kiss with the japanese male and the thought of the older made his heart race. 'Why is he making my heart feel all fuzzy..?' Sicheng thought to himself hugging his stuffed animal and watching the tv that was on. Suddenly he heard his phone ding, and opening it he saw it was a text from the boy he was thinking of.

Yuta <3; Hey cutie, wanna come hang out? We can watch some new movies I just got sent @12:14

Pretty boy; yesss c: i'd love to yuta :D sent @12:15

Yuta <3; alright I'll be there soon so get ready baby sent @12:15

   Sicheng read the text and quickly got up out of bed and ran to his closet to get ready. He was excited about getting to hang out with Yuta again and wondered what movies they would watch.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

   Yuta had just pulled up to Sichengs house and texted him he was there. A few seconds later Sicheng was locking the door behind him and skipping towards Yutas car. Yuta thought the boy looked adorable, dressed in an oversized pink sweater and light blue skinny jeans with white vans. 

   "Hello Yuta!" Sicheng said smiling at the older who smiled in return and gave them a quick kiss on the cheek. "Hey baby, ready to go?" Yuta said smirking at the blushing boy who nodded his head hiding his face with his sweater paws. 

   The two boys soon began the ride back to Yutas place and Sicheng had to admit he was feeling a little nervous. But he brushed those thoughts aside and played on his phone until they arrived not long after.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

   The two stepped inside the house and removed their shoes at the door. Walking down the hall a little they stepped into the living room which was to the right and the small kitchen to their left. Occupying the couch was a shorter boy with dark hair and taller boy light brown hair with a slight mullet. 

   "Sicheng this is one of my roommates and the other is his boyfriend-" Yuta said boredly. "Hey show some enthusiasm at least-But nice to meet you I'm Taeyong" the light brown haired male said smiling. "And I'm Ten, nice to meet you Sicheng" the smaller boy said while grabbing the hand that was sneaking up his thigh. Sicheng greeted both of them and was soon being pulled away by the boy he came with.

   "I know what you two are up to but just be quiet or I swear to god" Yuta said glaring at the two on the couch. "No promises!" Taeyong shouted after the two. 

   "Anyways lets watch a movie yeah? Which one do you wanna watch first?" Yuta said after closing the door and joining the other on his bed, who was looking at the movie cases that had been laid out for him. "Hmm how about this one!" Sicheng said pointing to the dvd case with a girl at a bus stop and what looked like a giant cat beside her.

   "Oh- My neighbor Totoro it is then" Yuta said smiling and getting up to play the movie and then walked back to the bed to sit down and relax while watching. Sicheng got comfortable as well and rested his head on the others boys shoulder and snuggled close to them, smiling as the movie began.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    A little way into the movie Sicheng now had his head resting in Yutas lap on top of a pillow. It was comfortable and Yuta had his hand playing with the boys soft hair. But that peace was soon interrupted when they heard loud noises coming from the room down the hall causing Yuta to  get up.

   "I'll be right back..." Yuta said groaning in annoyance at his noisy roommate. Sicheng just nodded and sat up on the bed playing on his phone while the movie was paused. Suddenly the door opened and another person walked into the room. 

  "Yuta for the love of god can you please make them shut up I'm trying to sle-" The male said but soon stopping once he realized the boy was in fact not Yuta. "Oh hello, are you Sicheng?" They said smiling kindly. Sicheng smiled in return "Yes I am.." he said shyly. 

   "Oh, well my names Jaehyun, I'm one of Yutas roommates" the male now known as Jaehyun said taking a seat on the bed. "Yuta said he would be right back, they were being noisy.." "-Are Ten and Taeyong hyung okay? Are they fighting?" Sicheng asked with concern to the boy across from him.

   Jaehyun looked at the boy and realized he didn't know anything about the matter, man they were really innocent. Shouts could be heard from down the hall but Jaehyun ignored it already used to their bickering. "No Sicheng they're not fighting, they're having a heated make out session and Ten isn't yelling he's moaning" Jaehyun said smirking. "What is that?" the soft boy asked curiously. "Ask Yuta he'll explain it" Jaehyun said getting up hearing that Yuta was returning. 

   "Sorry it took so long-Jaehyun what are you doing?" Yuta said stopping and narrowing his eyes at the other male leaving the room. "Was going to tell you to make them be quiet but you were already doing it- and Sichengie has a question for you" Jaehyun said but whispered the last part as he passed him on his way out. 

   Yuta looked confused but brushed it off and went to lay back down on the bed next to the sitting boy. "Yuta- what's 'a heated make-out session'?" Sicheng asked causing the other boy to choke on air. Yuta sat up quickly and looked at the other boy wondering why he would ask such a question. "Baby what did you say?" "I said what's 'a heated make-out session' and why was Ten-hyung 'moaning' ?" Sicheng asked again looking at the boy with innocent eyes.

   Yuta was about to combust, what the hell did Jaehyun tell him? He was really going to beat his ass after this. Getting himself together he began "Well Ten is making those sounds because he feels really good, if you kiss someone in certain places they make those sounds..thats what moaning is.." "And a heated make-out session is basically kissing but more intensly.." Yuta said choosing his words carefully. "Is that s-something you will show me like you said Yuta?" Sicheng asked, a light blush on his face. 

   Yuta looked at the other boy closely and nodded his head smirking. "How about I show you what the first one is for now? You're not too ready for the 2nd one yet baby" Yuta said scooting closer to the boy and pulling him onto his lap. "Take your sweater off.." Yuta said motioning for the boy to do so which he did, now left in a plain white loose t-shirt.

  "I'll make you feel good okay, I won't hurt you.." the dark haired boy said before kissing the other. Both of their lips moving in sync and Yuta began softly biting the youngers bottom lip earning him a small sound to escape their lips. 

   Yuta began to trail his lips else where following the boys jaw line and slowly down their neck lightly sucking on places that won't be seen easily. Sicheng had never felt this way before and the feeling was foreign to him, but it felt nice. Yuta kept going lightly sucking on the boys neck leaving pink marks, all the way to their collar bones. Slowly kissing up again he attached his lips to a certain spot on the boys lower neck causing them to gasp, jackpot Yuta thought. 

   He then kissed harder gripping at the boys hips and flipping them over to where he was now hovering above them. Sicheng felt amazing, strange noises leaving his lips which he then covered with his hand out of embarrassment. "Don't hide your noises baby, do you like it?" Yuta asked softly running his hand up and down the boys side, planting small kisses below their ear. 

   Sicheng hummed in response his mind in a different place. "Good, that's what moaning is baby, don't hold back when you feel good okay, let me hear you.." Yuta said looking at the other boy beneath him and giving them a peck on the lips. 

   "O-okay Yuta.." Sicheng said blushing again. "C'mon lets finish watching the movie" Yuta said crawling off the other boy and sitting up beside them, Sicheng doing the same. The boys then continued to finish their movie and decided afterwards they would hang out at Sichengs house and eat and do other things. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

aSklaksdjk sorry for the long wait on this chapter ;(( the next one isn't written so hnngg TT gotta do that soon. But thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed and happy new year!! even if it's the 2nd cx I hope everyone has an amazing new year and lets keep supporting Nct and yuwin together and lets give WAYV the most amazing debut! <333 

Sincerely MyDarlingsTaeten~

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