chapter 5

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  It had been about a week since Yuta had seen the boy he often thought about and texted. But both boys had been busy either with school or doing their own thing so they had no time to meet up.

  "Stupid..." the dark haired male scoffed out pulling a cigarette out from his back pocket. Why does his dad always have to argue with him and ruin his mood. He should've never answered the phone.

  Just as the male was about to light it up, he stopped.

  'Sicheng' was the only word that popped in his head. 'He wouldn't want me poisoning myself just because I'm pissed off with my old man..' he thought to himself and sighed, throwing the stick on the ground and placing the lighter back in his pocket.

  He was about to leave the alley he was in until he heard footsteps behind  him. "Well well look who we found here" a familiar male chuckled darkly.  Yuta stopped in his tracks, his blood running cold. 'Fuck'.

  He turned around and came face to face with the two males he never wanted to see again. But here they were, standing a few feet from him.

  "Hui, Hyojong..." Yuta said coldly. "Don't friendly Nakamoto, you owe us you piece of shit" Hui said scoffing and stepping forward. "No I don't Hui, I told you I paid everything back.." Yuta said trying not to look nervous and taking a step back to distance himself.

  "Fucking liar Yuta...too bad Yuto isn't here to save you because you're dead meat" Hyojong growled out and began walking forward. 'Run' was all yuta thought as he turned around and ran as fast as he could from the two angry males behind him.

  "Get him!" Hui yelled and the two chased after them, only one goal engraved in their heads- to catch them.

  Yuta ran out of the alley and down the sidewalk heading to the park. There was a small wooded area beside it that stretched a long ways so maybe he could hide there and then hide at Sichengs house for a bit.

  He kept running and even though his lungs were slowly beginning to burn he kept going. Almost there- the male thought as he entered the woods. He was still running when he felt a hand grab his shirt from behind, causing him to trip and fall to the ground.

  He was quickly yanked up by his wrist and he felt a body now behind him as he sat on the ground struggling to get away.

  "You thought you could run huh you little bitch" Hyojong growled in their ear, holding the boys wrist at their sides with a crushing grip. Yuta tried yanking his arms free but stopped when he felt a kick to his side causing them to double over in pain.

  "You owe us Nakamoto, now you have to pay up" Hui said crouching down in front of the other sitting on their legs to stop them from kicking.

  "Stop please- I have money in my pocket, just let me go-" yuta coughed out at the pain in his ribs. Him begging only seemed to earn him a punch to the face it seemed. His head whipped to the side, lip split with the single blow. "Shut the fuck up" the Blonde male said in front of him as he began searching their pockets.

  Yuta was laying on the ground now as the other behind him held his hands beside their head on the dirty forest ground. "Ha! Bingo" Hui announced as he found the cash in the boys front pocket, about 40 bucks.

  "Its a real shame I've gotta do this but- I dont like liars" Hui said with a dark look standing up. Yutas eyes widened as he saw them raise their leg back and swing it forward, coming in contact with their side again. A rock that had been in the wrong place scrapped the males side cutting him.

  Yuta screamed out in pain and squeezed his eyes shut. The other continued to beat the fallen male with punches for a minute until Hyojong had spoken up. "That's enough Hui, I think he's learned his leason." The other blonde said looking down at the males bloody face and arms from the hits and scratches on branches.

  Hui got up off the boy and Hyojong released the other, who's arms just fell down at their sides.

  "Next time pay us back when we say" Hyojong said in a monotone voice looking down at the other. Yuta only weakly coughed. The two males walked away leaving the boy on the ground, bloodied and bruised.

  'It hurts so much...' Yuta thought to himself after laying on the ground for about 15 minutes before trying to get up. He managed to sit up and just barely managed to stand with the help of a nearby tree giving him support.

  'Just a few houses from Sicheng...c'mon yuta you can do it...' the injured male thought to himself as he slowly made his way through the woods and to the boys backyard. Walking was painful, a sharp pain running through his body every time he took a step. The only reason he was still able to walk was his racing heart and the adrenaline from the fight pumping through his veins.

  Only two houses away and Yuta began to feel light headed. His breathing ragged and coming out in sharp gasp for air as he hugged his aching waist. He could taste the copper of blood in his mouth as he licked his dry lips. He was almost there- he couldn't pass out now. He would probably freeze to death if he stayed outside half the night.

  He finally reached the boys house and tried his best to get over the four foot fence without further injuring himself. He managed to get over it and began walking towards the boys window.

  He just prayed that it was unlocked. His feet dragging at this point and by the time he got to the window he was gasping for air and leaning on the house for support.

  The window was thankfully unlocked and he struggled to lift it open before climbing inside and closing it shut. The last thing he saw was the boys pink room and stars in his vision before he fell to his knees and passed out into the darkness of his mind.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ajsjjsjdjd I apologize for this taking so long to update 😭😭😭  I couldn't think of how to come up with this chapter but I finally found the inspiration at like 2 a.m rn. Sorry for any mistakes, I tried to go over it as best as I could but I'm tired and losing focus ;( I'll update in a few shirt days as I already have the next chapter written so look out for that! Thank you for reading! Leave a comment and a vote ❤❤❤

Sincerely MyDarlingsTaeten~

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