In this lesson we will go over numbers one to one milion, and learn how to form different ones. Let's get started!
So right away we have the number one, which is the only number that has more than one way of putting it.
Here goes:0. Noll
1. En/ett
2. Två
3. Tre
4. Fyra
5. Fem
6. Sex
7. Sju
8. Åtta
9. Nio
10. Tio
11. Elva
12. Tolv
13. Tretton
14. Fjorton
15. Femton
16. Sexton
17. Sjutton
18. Arton
19. Nitton
20. Tjugo
21. Tjugoen/ett
30. Trettio
31. Trettioen/ett
40. Fyrtio
50. Femtio
60. Sextio
70. Sjuttio
80. Åttio
90. Nittio
100. Hundra/etthundra
1,000. Tusen/ettusen
100,000. Ett hundratusen
1,000,000. En miljon
As you can see, it's easy to create numbers after twenty. Simply add them together just like in english. The only noted difference is that there are no spaces or hyphens, so the bigger the number, the longer the word.
33. Trettiotre
287. Tvåhundraåttiosju
2,010. Tvåtusentio
When referring to the year, it is not too different. Examples:
1997 - Nittonhundrasjuttiosju
2019 - Tjugohundranitton
Centuries are written/said like this:
1700-talet: sjuttonhundratalet
(The 18th century)2000-talet: tjugohundratalet
(The 21st century)Notes!
After counting to twenty, 'en' is normally used for both en and ett words.
Ett skrivbord - a desk
Fyrtioen skrivbord - forty desks
Femtioen äpplen - fifty apples
Now let's move on to Ordinal Numbers!
1st - Första
2nd - Andra
3rd - Tredje
4th - Fjärde
5th - Femte
6th - Sjätte
7th - Sjunde
8th - åttonde
9th - Nionde
10th - Tionde
11th - Elfte
12th - Tolfte
13th - Trettonde
14th - Fjortonde
15th - Femtonde
16th - Sextonde
17th - Sjuttonde
18th Artonde
19th - Nittonde
20th - Tjugonde
21st - Tjugoförsta
30th - Trettionde
40th - Fyrtionde
50th - Femtionde
60th - Sextionde
70th - Sjuttionde
80th - Åttionde
90th - Nittionde
100th - Hundrade
1,000th - Tusende
1,000,000th - Miljonte
Thousands - tusentals
Hundreds- hundratals
That's all for now. A lot to remember! Practice making different numbers so that you know how to say them.
The next lesson will be about sentence structure. See you there!
Swedish With Eliza ☆
RandomSwedish is a pretty cool language so why not share it? These will be weekly Swedish lessons with examples and any funny quotes I can find. I'll also give my favourite Swedish songs, shows, actors and films. Feel free to ask questions leave comments...