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jugheads P.O.V
"Can we talk?" I asked her with concern written all over my face. "uh sure," she said as she got up from the table. she smiled at Archie and followed me to the hallway. "what's up jughead," she asked looking around nervously. Why was she nervous? "I gotta ask you something", I said playing with my hands. "uh, s-sure." she said stuttering. She seemed like she was shaking. I started getting uneasy with what I was about to ask her so I just grabbed her right arm and pulled up the sleeve. She looked in shock when I grabbed her arm. There was fear in her eyes. Perhaps this was too familiar to her?...

"what the hell is this Veronica??" I said now yelling. Her eyes got watery and she looked broken. "j-jughead it's not what it looks like." she said, her voice shaking. "Veronica why would you do this to yourself? You have the perfect life! You shouldn't do this!" I said squeezing her wrist. "ow!" She yelled out in pain. I loosened my grip on her wrist and looked at it. It was already bruised and swollen. I couldn't have just done that. No way. How would she have done that by herself. That.. position. I released my hand from her arm and examined the cut. It didn't look like regular teenagers cuts. It was rigged. I looked at her in confusion. She looked at me with tight lips and a clenched jaw. She yanked her arm away from me and a tear streamed down her cheek. She shook her head slowly and breathed in and out once. Then she walked quickly away from me, her heels echoed through the halls. What the hell? Who did that to her? I walked back into the cafeteria and sat by Betty. "what happened?" She asked with a smile. I shot her a look and she changed it to a frown. "oh I mean-what happened?" she said more concerned. "what's going on?" Archie interrupted. "none of your business-" I started but Betty cut me off, "he deserves to know, he is dating her after all," Betty said smiling at Archie. Betty is so confusing. I explained to him what we thought she was doing. I didn't bother telling them about the bruises and how she couldn't have done it to herself. Betty for sure didn't care. I'm not sure about Archie based on what she told me yesterday. I hope they can work things out. That reminds me, I need to chat with Betty later. "Betty can we talk later?" I asked eating my food. "why not now jug?" She asked with a smile. "um because... never mind, I'll just swing by your house around 5:30?" I asked waiting for an answer. "um..." she said looking around. "how about 6:30? I uh, I have cheer" she said with another innocent smile. "Ok see you then," I said then walked away.

veronicas P.O.V
I can't believe him. Who told him? I bet it was Betty. Yeah, it makes sense based off of what I heard. I was now in the bathroom crying my eyes out. I had just gone to a different bathroom when there were noises I don't want to talk about... two people making noises... Anyway I was now in a new bathroom. My tears poured down again when I heard more kissing. "damn not again!" I yelled as I wiped my face clean. There's only so many bathrooms in the school. I was about to leave when the bathroom stall opened. I turn to see who it was and to my surprise (not really they always do this) it was Cheryl and Toni. I scoffed in disgust and their lips parted. "excuse you- Ronnie!" Cheryl said when she saw me. She ran  up and hugged me and so did Toni. "what happened v?" toni asked as she wiped my cheeks. I explained and they were disgusted. I didn't tell them about my dad though. if I told anyone god knows what he'll do to me.

We went our separate ways once the bell rang and I went the whole day thinking about how jughead was hugging me and comforting me yesterday, and then how today he grabbed my wrist the same way my dad did. The rest of the day sucked. I was going to talk to Archie at 6:00. We texted after 8th period. I went home and took a shower trying to wash my pain off of me. This was probably my last shower here. When I came back tonight I had to pack and leave. If my parents were here I'd have to be gone now but... not till later....I'll figure it out. I changed and applied my makeup. It was only 5:00 so I texted Cheryl.
"pops?? Toni too" 'heart emoji'
"Sorry v, on double date right now." 'heart emoji' "later maybe?" She responded almost immediately.
"talking with Archie later. wish me luck" 'nervous emoji' 'lol emoji' I texted her laughing to myself.
"good luck! ttyl ly v." 'Kissy emoji'
I texted her 'love u too' and then tried jughead. he was the last of my friends.... well friends-ish.

"pops?" I texted
"yes. be there in 5" he said in the matter in about 30 seconds.
I remembered what had happened today and tried to shake it off of me.
I went to pops to find a nervous jughead sitting in his usual booth alone.
I walked up to him and smiled. I don't know why but I expected him to smile back. He just gave a small smirk for about 0.2 seconds long. I sat across from him and cut the silence first.
"two milkshakes pop. one chocolate, one strawberry." I said as I stared at jughead. "so why'd you invite me? To yell at me? To curse me out? What is it this time Veronica?" He asked with the same poker face as yesterday. "of course not jughead! Why would I do that?" I said trying to ignore the events that took place earlier. "because I obviously hit a soft spot earlier." He said looking at my arm. "let's not talk about that ok?" I said leaning us to a different subject. "ok. fine. as curious as I am, I'll talk about something else. How's your leg?" He asked still staring at my arm. "it's better. I had to wear a long skirt today." I said trying to wiggle a fake laugh out of my mouth. It wouldn't go. "what up with you and Archie?" He asked. I wasn't expecting that. "um.. it's ok I guess. I'm going to talk to him at 6." I said looking for our milkshakes. "oh. I'm talking to Betty at 6:30" he said also looking for pop. "yeah..." I said staring at the two milkshakes floating over to us. Pop sat them down and I sipped mine with a sigh of refreshment. jughead was about to sip his when... a thought popped into his mind?  I'm not completely sure but his expression changed. "Wait... you're on the cheer squad right?" i was about to answer when I got a text. from Cheryl.
"forgot about Midge's funeral. ashamed with myself. Ugh. well it got rescheduled to tomorrow. gtg ." 'heart'
I looked back up to jug realizing everyone seemed to have forgotten about Midge. "um.. yeah I'm on the cheer team" I said wondering why he would ask such a weird question. "well Betty said she couldn't meet with me at 5:30 because she had cheer. what's that all about?" He asked trying to put the pieces together. "um, well Cheryl's the captain and she didn't even go so no for sure there's no practice." I said showing him the text. "That's weird." He responded. But Betty has been acting weird lately. "probably nothing to worry about" I said taking my last sip of my milkshake. "wow you finished that quick." He said, eyes widening. "um, well I haven't eaten today." I said with a smile. I wasn't going to eat any of my dad's infected food. "I can get you a burger" he said trying to be nice. "no that's ok. I'm fine."I said, starting to think about going home after seeing Archie and having to pack and stuff. Where would I go? I have no idea. My eyes got blurry quickly and I noticed I was about to start crying. "um well, I should get going to see Archie." I said standing up. Jughead got up too. "um okay. I guess I'll see you later." He said awkwardly. He rummaged through his pockets and I got embarrassed for him. Hopefully he wasn't playing cause if he was that's wrong to do to a 'rich' girl. I looked through my purse and saw a hundred dollar bill. i looked for anything smaller and it was all I had. great Ronnie now you're definitely not going to seem like a rich girl now! I tossed it on the table and jugheads eyes widened. He looked at me. He was surprised but yet saw it coming. That hurt. It reminded me of what he said earlier. He didn't know what was going on. I left with giving him a smile. 5:59. Right on time. I said as I walked up the steps. By the time I knocked on the door it was 6. I heard stumbled and it sounded like something broke. Then there was a loud noise. um.. okay? When he answered the door it was 6:02. His hair was messy and he was wearing a white t shirt that you could see his abs through. He was wearing basketball shorts and he looked at me guiltily. I pushed passed him and ran upstairs. I ignored him calling after me.  He said "Ronnie don't go up the stairs!" really loudly. I heard stumbled and then a door shut. I charged into his room and looked around. The bed was messed up. Sheets all over the room. Archie cane up behind me. "Veronica what the hell?!" He said as I looked at him- probably looking like a psychopath. "Archie I'm done with you and you're games." I said. "what are you talking about Ronnie?" He asked me. "I know you're cheating on me!" I yelled. He gasped. "Ronnie I would never!" He yelled "oh really?" I asked. I looked all over his room. behind the curtains, in the closet, behind the dresser, and under the bed. No one... what? How? I checked in the bathroom and then he had followed me into his upstairs hallway. I was standing in front of the bathroom. "Ronnie what is wrong? I would never cheat on you! I love you!" He said wrapping his arms around my waist. I pushed him off. "Ronnie I love you and only you. Calm down. Nobody's here except for you and me okay? I love you Ronnie okay?" He said bowing down to my level. I nodded my head slightly. "I love you too" I said as he envelopes me in a hug. Then I hear a loud BAM.
It alarmed me so I turned around. I see the hallway closet door open and a certain blonde, bubblegum boyfriend stealer laying on the ground, hair messy, groaning from the fall, and wrapped in a sheet, naked.

dear readers,
           Wow this is a long one. (1900 word count) esh. please check out 'psycho!' Thank you again for so much support and love! Thank you guys so much!

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