Part 1

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A freshly brewed dark roast with half a teaspoon of sugar, that was his preference. The bold coffee dared not to be changed since the day that you served him the first cup.

Ever since, he repaid the favor. The scent of his own brew spread around the apartment working as your early morning alarm. Despite spending your work day around various vats of coffee, there was something special about his.

A hot drink enjoyed over light conversation with one of your closest friends and roommate, it became a welcomed ritual. His cold but calm aura could give you the strength to handle even the roughest of days.

Shuffling down the hallway in your mismatched socks, it never failed to pick you up out of bed. The aroma of what was waiting lured you closer in a tempting waft. Hopefully not too cold, it would have to be enjoyed at any temperature.

Having arrived just hours before from a weekend out, traveling woes kept you in bed for a few more minutes. Despite fatigue begging for just one more hour, you gladly skipped forward to the combination awaiting.

Blissful thoughts of rich cocoa suddenly interrupted. An abnormal sweetener mixing in, bright vanilla diverted railings for the first time. Maybe it was just your imagination? Surly it had to be.

"Sorry, I overslept a bit—" as your sleep filled eyes cleared, reality presented brightly in your living room.

What was her name? You couldn't be so sure now. Melissa? No. Heather? No. Ca— you stopped yourself short as the thought of her kind smile returned bringing unsettling feelings alongside.

"So, he finally brought someone over?" The tangerine haired woman, called in for emotional support, questioned with a slight chuckle. Not even attempting to hide the amusement to the situation, she held a long fit to the surprising news.

You quickly shot back, a harsh glare highlighting your discontent to her reaction. Visually shaking hands struggling to pour a simple cup, it was evidently not the time to joke around.

Nami paused, taking the kettle from your hands before you could hurt yourself. "Sorry, I've never heard of someone with him before."

She introduced you to him years before. A friend of a friend, it was convenient timing as you needed a new place to live, temporarily. Enough room for a small family, it was just him in the lone space before you moved in.

Growing closer to him, the thought of your own place drifted. A home slowly created with an adopted puppy completing it, you were content to remain.

You groaned, furiously rubbing your eyes as you knew not what to do. A myriad of thoughts only spiking a pulsating headache the longer that you replayed the early morning events.

"She's probably nobody, don't worry about it." Emotionally unaffected by the sight, she was easily able to say.

You sighed, dropping your hands upon the counter in defeat, "I don't know, I can't remember well but I think she had on scrubs? Maybe she just works with him and I'm just overthinking?" You weren't entirely sure if you truly saw such or were just placing her into a certain position. One far from a loving partner, you couldn't be so sure of the accurate details now.

Wishing for it all to be a simple overreaction, a feeling deep inside refused to leave. Thoughts souring your once beloved drink, it poured down for the sink to enjoy instead.

"Honestly, I thought that you two were already together and just never said anything." Nami casually laid out as she took a sip of her coffee.

A dusting of rose rapidly grew upon your cheeks quickly shifting your thoughts. "W-What?" You stumbled over the image of how you both had apparently appeared to others.

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