Chapter 6: Those Who Conquer Beyond (II)

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Elandra Ward, Western Lézandre. 63 AE

"Basically, our job is to scout the plains and provide intels for the frontlines," said Elaine as they were heading towards the wooden stable. "And to be fast, we need to travel light and pick the fastest steed."

"Tyarian horse?" Sam guessed.

"I said fastest not strongest," Elaine opened one of the stable gates. "And there's no other steed as fast as the Valderimian."

The white horse was smaller than its Tyarian counterpart but it was the legs that defined her beauty. The muscles were solidly crafted under its rough skin from the hips right onto the heels.

Elaine rubbed the back of her equine. "There's my Luna. Good girl," she whispered.

"With all due respect, I'm not so good at riding a racing horse, let alone a wild one," Sam scratched his head.

"Well I believe it's high time you learn to ride on a horse properly instead of a whore," Elaine replied with a smirk. "And don't give me that disgusting look. You think I don't read your profile before drafting into Recon?"

Sam's face went pale. "W—what do you mean read my profile?"

Elaine sighed. She pulled out a big comb and slowly scrubbed Luna's neck. "You've got quite a history with the elves, Sam. I hope the frontlines doesn't disturb you in any kind of way." Seeing that Sam narrowed his eyes even closer, Elaine continued, "However, if there's one thing that I could promise to you, it's that I always keep secrets safe."

"How do I know I could trust you?"

"I'm an Olandrean. I've been guarding secrets for my whole life."

Edward could not help but to overheard the conversation and decided to quench his curiosity. "Olandrean?"

"Those who lives beyond the wall," Captain Mikazuki answered instead.

Elaine saluted. "Captain, we were just—"

"That's okay. A dangerous mission like this requires trust from teammates." He turned towards the three of them. "Listen, once you step outside, you're no longer bound by any laws except for the Treaty. You could literally do anything you want out there. You could even pull out your knife and stab us in the back and live your life freely."

Edward swallowed hard. He always thought to himself that he would never do such things. That he would never betray his oath as a soldier of Lézandre. But then again, he glanced towards Sam and Pete. He might be blindingly judging them, but he sensed both of them held a grunge against Captain Mikazuki and Elaine.

"But I ask you this, are you ready to live your life freely as a person, a soldier who breaks his oath?" the young captain continued. "Are you ready to live your life as a traitor?"

Edward could not tell what it was but there was a glimpse of rage in the Captain's eyes. And his voice sounded as if his words were not scripted but just from pure experience that he had from previous expeditions.

And just like Captain Mika said, there were no laws out there except for the Treaty. Which left Edward with one disturbing question about his superior; whether the infamous Captain Mikazuki Mikoto betrayed or were betrayed before?


Elaine led the three of them towards a table full of all sorts of weaponry. "The horse might become your only out there, but you would not survive for even an hour without these," she picked up a musket which was shortened off a few inches. "Forget sword and shield, this will be your new acquaintance."

Pete held one of the muskets displayed. "It felt different than the one we were trained with."

"That's because it's not a musket," Edward poked his finger into the barrel. "Look, the bore is grooved, it is called rifling. It makes this... rifle more accurate in long range. But then again, I've never seen this model before."

He examined the rifle carefully. His fingers caressed the metal barrel down to the wooden stock. Edward stopped at the trigger. "This is not a flintlock nor a caplock and definitely not a muzzle loading. What is it?"

Pete and Sam frowned at Edward who was at this point, starting to whisper to himself rather than talking to them.

"How do you know all this stuff, man?" Sam tapped Edward's shoulder.

He just shrugged his broad shoulders. "Let's just say I didn't skip classes, yeah?" Edward knew that was a silly answer.

Elaine stepped in. "He's both right and wrong," she pulled a lever behind the trigger and inserted a round from the breech. "Watch and learn, gentlemen."

The target dummy across the stable was 200 meters from them. Elaine pushed back the lever and aimed down the sight. No matter the countless times she had shot from one of these, the thrill and exhilaration of pulling the trigger was one that she could never forget.

One full breath, in and out. One pull of a trigger.

She thought her heart stopped beating for a second but as the round left the barrel and precisely found its target, Elaine finally came down to her senses—in a deafening way.

Sam shook his head. "Wow, the bell's ringing quite loud from that one."

Elaine blew the smoke off the muzzle. "That's because the round used is larger and more powerful. Gentlemen, I present to you Model 63 Carbine... prototype or sort of."

"Prototype?" Pete asked.

"Well it is still being tested actually. So be proud that you are the first person to shoot it... or get blown by it, whichever comes first." Elaine slung her carbine. "And finally the rest of the Recon equipment; pistols, flares, combat knife and the most important thing when venturing out there, the map. Never forget the map."

Mika walked towards them in full Recon gear; the small yet nimble figure hidden well beneath the black leather vest and the crimson red coat. The black scarf coiled around his neck and mouth almost masked his intimidating presence, covering up his identity and pride.

"Ready to go?" his voice was a bit muffled under the flowing scarf.

Elaine adjusted her black eyepatch before mounting on Luna. "Yes, captain," she looked back at her new squadmates. "Men, saddle up! Commence reconnaissance expedition 13!"

The black gate slowly opened as Captain Mikazuki Mikoto spurred his horse and led his Recon team towards the open world of Valderimi.


Hey y'all! I guess the updates will be like one at a month with this rate xD Anyway, nanowrimo is almost over and don't think that I don't do any writing this month. It's just that with so many things going around in wattpad (oh and the scandals lmao) I think I decided to slow down just a bit and watch things unfolding from far away.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then feel free to lurk around wattpad's back alley :P  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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