[Part 2] - Limbo

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I WALKED OUT OF THE POLICE STATION, the sky's color is lightening and several cars are now passing by probably for work and what not. I entered my car, exhausted. Laying my head back, I closed my eyes, replaying the events that happened three hours ago.

It took three officers to contain the lunatic, seeing that she was injured and to haul her inside the ambulance car and sped away, they also brought the man who was face down on the dirt behind the bushes, suspecting that he was with the crazy woman in the accident.

Seeing that they were busy patching up those drunks, I volunteered to drive Olie to the hospital and asked to drop my sister first before going to the police station to give my statement which they conceded as long as an officer would accompany me.

Now after giving them the brief recount of what transpired, they advised me to be vigilant and not to engage in such situation also to best call the authorities than putting my well being and anyone near at risk lest something like that ever happen again. Skeptical, I just nodded.

Why are they advising me to not help anyone who was just clearly gotten from an accident? I shook my head; they must have had similar cases to advise such a thing.

I even heard an officer talk to someone about people being violent after acquiring an injury in some way or another- not that I eavesdrop willingly- he just talked loudly while I was just behind him in a bench, waiting to be called to give my statement.

I sighed. What a long night. When Ree lured me to attend a party, I never imagined that it would end me in a police station. Huffing, I started my car and drove towards the hospital. I promised Olie to come back and pick him up. Trying to repress the memories that tried to resurface in my mind concerning the blue-eyed boy, I hit the gas.

Arriving at the hospital, I noticed the increase of vehicles rushing to and fro the hospital grounds. It even took me fifteen minutes to find a space in the sea of cars in the parking lot. Turning off the engine, I observed what is going on outside. Some cars are parked haphazardly, like the owners were such in a hurry to get inside not minding their cars. Well if it's such an emergency that would make sense, and of course it's a hospital so I shouldn't really put too much thought into it. I mentally slap my face, must be the effect of not getting any wink of sleep the whole night.

Stepping out, I make my way towards the entrance. Getting inside I walked towards the elevator but seeing as quite a crowd had gathered already I elude getting pressed up by the sheer amount of it and pushed towards the stairs. Stopping in my tracks, I sighed, even the stairs have several people going up and down but since I don't have another choice, I joined them.

Reaching the third floor where I delivered Olie earlier, I surged forward to get where he was. Most of the patients up here are outside the hallways waiting for their turn to get called. As I walked past a sobbing woman clutching a bloody child on her side, I heard a commotion on the far end of the corridor. Craning my neck to get a good look at the fuss, I watched transfixed as a nurse rushed out of a certain room followed by a man in his fifties who then tries to latch himself on the nurse taking a chunk out of the latter's face.

Shocked, I stopped advancing and keep an eye on the man's movement like a movie in slow motion, not seeing the crowd's obvious panic that surrounds me. After the nurse falls in heap on the floor, the man then turns around and catches a teen off guard leaving them sprawled on the floor where the man tries biting the teen's head off.

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