My Boy Friend

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Megha gave that Cheque to Gagan which Varma signed for him..

Gagan and Megha came out from Varma house...

Gagan holds the Cheque and suddenly cried on seeing that Cheque..

Megha didn't understand why he is crying Suddenly and Asked him

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Megha didn't understand why he is crying Suddenly and Asked him..

Megha : Hello, Boss ...Why are you crying?

Gagan crying loudly this time..

Megha : Why are you Crying? Please tell me.. Sir..

Gagan continuously Crying more louder and said on holding Megha hand

Gagan : Even My Nanna also never did this much help me like this.. You are My Angel Megha garu who born for me only to help me in this America.. You are My Angel Megha Garu ...You are My Angel...

Gagan cried so loudly this time..

Megha became irritated on seeing this and Hits Gagan on his head with her hand..

Megha : Stop..

Gagan stopped but again started crying again..

Megha this time hits Prabhas hard to stop his Crying..

Megha : If you again Cry,I will again hit you more hard

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Megha : If you again Cry,I will again hit you more hard..

Gagan wipes his tears and said..

Gagan : Tell me,Megha Garu How,When,Where Can I help you?

Megha : Really.. You will help me...

Gagan : Yes,Megha Garu,I will do anything for you ..You want My Blood tell me,I Will give that to you..You can drink like Bisler Water ...

Megha : What do you think of me? Am I looking like Dracula to you to drink your Blood..?

Gagan : Sorry..Megha Garu,Now Tell me What I have to do?

Megha : Do you know how to say "Avunu (Yes)"?

Gagan : Yes, I know..

Megha : I will take to one place,Just You have to say "Avunu (Yes)" 3 times when ever I indicate to say..

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